Timberline Crystal Ball
January 14, 2008
24 posts
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7k+ views
Do you Timberline boys that live up in the valley think Upper White Lightening and OTW are going to survive this weeks weather until things start to cool down over the weekend?
Skied both trails this past Sunday. White Lightning appears to have plenty of base to weather any warm-up, but the skiable area under the Silver Queen lift could shrink a lot. The very bottom may not be the greatest.
Off The Wall is a bit tougher to predict. Remember they started making snow on it very recently. There were two bare sections near the bottom of the headwall; don't know how quickly they'll grow. They could do some grooming to fill in the bare spots since there appears to be plenty of snow further up the trail (could sacrifice a whale or two.) Plus, Off The Wall is sheltered by the trees which helps to preserve the snow. (Though I think rain and warm temps will be more the villain this week then the sun.)
Again, these are just guesses.
Lets Hope they take advantage of wed aft/night window to make snow...Next chance is Fri ,sat& Sun & Mon & Tue & Wed & Thur.....Ect...." Watching chance for some moisture to work in with the cold Especially Sun on....Its been warmer this spell than back after T-Giving....Maybe TL Should have waited till this weekend to start snowmaking...Think of all the money they have wasted thusfar...(Scratchin Head Playing Dumb Smiley face)
Think of all the money they have wasted thusfar...(Scratchin Head Playing Dumb Smiley face)
wait a sec... weren't you just complaining about their lack of snowmaking a few days ago?

wait a sec... weren't you just complaining about their lack of snowmaking a few days ago?
No, that was me

I didn't ski them Sunday but I skied them Saturday and unless the rain continues I think they'll be fine. Those mounds on WL will hold up pretty well and then they can spread them. If push came to shove, they would have plenty of whales that they could flatten to rebuild the base on OTW.
My point being Fellers is that you got to get it while the gettins good south of the mason/dixon...Me & a whole lot of other people would have Skied the valley instead of heading to SS or north & west at T-Giving & thru Dec. We get Jan thaws all the time & DEC ones & Feb ones...If your Buis is Skiing then Blow them Guns from mid Nov on & OPEN!!...Sugar MT,NC will open up whenever they can & when they do they are swamped with Buis!....Wait a minute..we have allready discussed this subject..never mind...THINK SNOW & COLD..a little 8 ball told me its coming!...Let me shake my super 8 ball again to make sure...RAIN??...let me shake again..Maybe?..HMMMMmm..one more time....SNOW & COLD..YEHHHHHHHH!
From fri on it looks cold to down right COLD...as far as I can see.....I think that there will be some cold but happy folks everywhere on the east coast over MLK & beyond...."I Had a Dream"!
I'm an intermediate snowboarder and I usually enjoy the blue runs the best. Anyone know why the blues at Timberline aren't open yet and when they typically open?
I'm an intermediate snowboarder and I usually enjoy the blue runs the best. Anyone know why the blues at Timberline aren't open yet and when they typically open?
This topic gets discussed to death on this forum.

Short answer, Timberline takes a different approach than most areas and spends a lot of time building a large base on 1-2 trails at a time. I was there last weekend; they had started to blow snow on Dew Drop (blue.) However, this past week probably did a serious hurting on whatever snow they made. I'll let others take a guess when a blue or two will open.
Fortunately, this upcoming week should produce some natural snow at T-Line and should have good temps for snowmaking.
Glad to have you aboard DCSki. Tell us a bit about yourself.
Where from, how often board, where, age, etc.
Looking forward to meeting you on the slopes some day.
The Colonel

Don't listen to the Colonel Noopie..we don't accept Snowboarders here at dcSKI..SKI...Get Lost!....Just joking...I'm a little more leery of strangers than the Colonel though..I have got to get to know you..find out your Financial situation..any criminal record...Are you on the skier/sexual predater list?..I need to know these facts before I just jump on a lift with you.....But for your Information...I'm the guy who wears the white ski Wool cap....the good guy....Hope you Check out!
Hi Colonel,
I'm 27 y/o from Fairfax, VA. When I was a student at UVA I took a snowboarding class, for credit :), and I loved it. I'm averaging about 1 x 3-day ski vacation per year. I just bought my own gear last year so I'm looking to raise that average in the coming years. In past years my wife and I have been to Snowshoe but this year we thought we'd try Timberline because it seems like a great value. We're gonna be there the first week of March, hopefully all the trails will be open by then.
Any advice for a Timberline 1st timer? We're renting a property that's 5 miles from the resort with some other couples.
Didn't see your post till the page scrolled. Well, I'm an Eagle Scout so I like to think I'm a trustworthy person, although that also means that I always carry a knife and I make a mean campfire... you know to destroy the evidence ;-) Maybe I'll see you on the lifts sometime

u get *credit* for doing snowsports!!! geez! where was that when i was in university?!?!?!? damn i could have been on the dean-s list so many more times!
rats, another trustworthy person on this site ... degenerates like myself are quickly being overrun ...
I had to take two PE classes in college, for something like 1 credit each. I took golf (stunk at it) and skiing in my sophomore year. Then senior year came around, and I had paid for more default credits than I needed, so I took skiing again. The catch? If I failed it the second time, that grade would stick!
The class was for 1 credit pass/fail and met at Wintergreen weekly for 4 hours. I'm an engineer so I didn't have too many electives my first 3 years but when my last year came around and I had fulfilled most of my reqs I splurged on Snowboarding, Acting/Directing and and ecology class called Beaches, Coasts & Rivers. I miss college....
"Any advice for a Timberline 1st timer?"
Hey Noopie, Do you know why johnfmh refers to Timberline as The Line??? My advice is for you to go to the DMV or where ever people stand in line in Fairfax and practice practice practice. Seriously, first week in March is good time to go, have fun.
OUCH not so hard jimmi, he's new here and we shouldn't tell him the truth, yet. BTW, March is the month to do the line...all that fresh pow

. This weekend you should see upper dew, lower thunder, Maybe the drop (if they fix that water leak). They have a heavy dose of sugar everywhere. U no it's bad when the toughest part of OTW is the sally runout.
Yeah I read that they don't have any high-speed detachable lifts, I was hoping that the lines wouldn't be too bad but sounds like that's wishful thinking. At least the price is right...
Noopie: in March - you won't have to worry about lines. The general public stops skiing the Mid-Atlantic after Presidents Day. Nothing but dead-enders like us at DC Ski on the local slopes after then. Actually, I don't think there's been a lift line at Tline all season this year - anybody seen one? You're going to love Timberline in March - just don't come back next year in January and expect the same experience.
Timberline threadjack for those of you familiar with the area North of Tline.
I'm heading there for the first time in a few weeks. Most direct route looks like I'll go 40 through Nemacolin to 68 and pick up 219 South right in that area. Is 219 a decent road or is it actually faster to take 79 S from M-Town and come in that way?
I would say going the 219 route would be a better idea, unless the conditions are terrible. It has been years since I have been between Deep Creek and Canaan though. I know it will take a solid 2 hours to get to Canaan from Morgantown going 79/33. Here is what Mapquest says:
Whoa, taylormatt, there's a road that goes from us40 to friendsville md, i think it's called friendsville road and then you can take md42 to us219 in mchenry/deep creek. shortest distance between two points, but if you miss that you can still take 219, that's a decent road.
Noopie, A fellow "Hoo"! You will enjoy Timberline.
The Colonel