Frustrated rant
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December 18, 2006
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
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OK, this weather officially sucks. It was 74 degrees outside when I went to lunch. And it was 55 in Garrett County earlier today. rrrrrrr. OK - Thank you!.. I feel better now. But is there any chance we could turn down the thermostat just a bit?
December 18, 2006
Member since 04/11/2006 🔗
555 posts
Tell me about it. My wife came home from work today (I'm on vacation) and asked why I wasn't outside picking up the leaves and cutting the grass since it was 70 degrees (it was really 50). I told her I refused to recognize fall or winter weather that was this warm and in the summer, I do yard work on the weekends...

I don't think she bought it.


edit: oops, I had my desktop weather set to CV. It WAS 70 here in Va. I got to get out more.
December 18, 2006
Member since 07/26/2006 🔗
79 posts
You should have your bike out today! A few turns out west in no time at all. Just don't take my old man down those crazy slopes.
December 18, 2006
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
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Ha Ha Ha...He leaves ME behind . Actually, with the new lifts at Breck, it should be an epic trip. Of course, going from east coast sea level to making turns at almost 13,000' will be a challenge in itself. They've got some great shots of rockbands that are now inbounds. Should be awesome
December 18, 2006
Member since 07/26/2006 🔗
79 posts
I just wanted to say hello. Didn't know it was you until the new article came out. You're famous. From the pictures looks like you got some really nice early runs in. Loved the B and B in Breck. The new lifts should be can hit the summit. The wife and I are going to hit up Utah next year with you for the D.covention. Still trying to get out for a few turns. Have a good one.
December 19, 2006
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
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Officially sucks, huh? Don't sugar coat how you really feel as it would mirror my real feeling about this summer weather. If I wanted warm, I'd live in Florida. I know that I could make turns if I wanted to, however, what fun is it when very little terrain is available, and I'm having to ski the human slalom on a SCUD missle range. I'm just totally bummed at the moment....Colorado looks better and better every day.
Roger Z
December 19, 2006
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
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One of the upsides to living in Kansas- and maybe the ONLY weather upside- is that no matter what the weather is here, it doesn't bother me. It was 66 on Saturday so I went for a five mile run. Who cares if it's 66, or -6? It has absolutely no impact on any respectable ski area whatsoever (and by respectable, I don't mean the local snow tubing hill). My ski vacations reside in a completely different weather pattern, so it can be whatever it wants to be here and that's just fine. Heck, warm weather means lower heating bills. That's hard to complain about.

I've got a late Jan and mid Feb trip to NM for business. Taos is getting hammered today. Long may the SW hammering continue! Come on El Nino!!!

ps- for the record, I too like cold weather. It's just that the warm-ups aren't as annoying out here.
December 19, 2006
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
1,547 posts
I wonder if I should pursue a girl who lives in Chicago, whose parents live in AZ? I hear AZ has a few good southern rocky mountain resorts. You know you've got it bad when you really are using a girl to get to her parents to use them as an excuse to hit up a big resort. lol
December 19, 2006
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
1,547 posts
Then again, there is a single lady I know who lives in British Columbia 3 hours north of Whistler / Blackcomb. I could pursue her, marry her, move there and have eternal snow bliss. Ah the choices. lol
Roger Z
December 19, 2006
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
No, I can one upya there Brad. My brother is at the Air Force Academy. His friend's sponsor has a condo at the base of Keystone. Sponsor's condo=free lodging. I'm 31 frickin' years old and employed and am considering bumming a room off an Air Force Cadet!
December 19, 2006
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
3,530 posts
I cannot believe you even mentioned a 5 mile run in FLAT Kansas...Cough Cough..ussy Cough wuss cough..Try doing that in the soft sand side of a beach!...I made it 50 yards the other day...My kite almost got away from me
December 19, 2006
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
1,547 posts
Don't make me break out the cross country photos from high school. Have you tried running up some of those ridges in Baker?!
Roger Z
December 19, 2006
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
Did I mention the tendinitis in my right leg?

Oh my gosh are all three of us turning into old men or what!!!

Roger: "I ran five miles the other day!"

Andy: "Five miles! Why I had to run on a SANDY BEACH!"

Brad: "Back in high school we ran uphill on the Baker ridges! Both ways!!!"

Roger: "Did I mention I've got a groin injury!"

Andy: "A groin injury? LUXURY! When I was your age, we didn't have groins!"

Brad: "Durn yun' whipper snappers."

True fact: my running route here in Kansas is hillier than my running route back in Blacksburg. I kid you not. First time I ran back from Nall Rd. up 66th Street I darn near puked. Running-wise, whoever said Kansas was flat should have his lazy Madison Ave. marketing-arse run on one of our endless "flat" hills around here.
December 19, 2006
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
1,547 posts
Durn yun' whipper snappers, I ran 6 miles a practice and now have no cartalige and partially torn ligaments to show for it. Yet I get out der wit dem guys and shoot da hoops!
December 20, 2006
Member since 01/11/2000 🔗
609 posts
Brad as far as the women go, take the girl in BC. Arizona has not gotten much snow at their resorts in the last few years.
December 20, 2006
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
Rant?? Where's the rant?? You call that a rant??? I sittin here at work, my head is thumpin and my chest aches from coughing becaouseof this stoopidcold that i got because of this stoopid weather, yeah ive skied a bit but wtf is up with this stoopid weather, snows in the flatlands of missouri, panhandle of Texas what a waste of snow, crocusses r coming up in my yard and the dam grass needs cut again. i need someone or something to blame this $h!tty weather on, global warming, impending ice age, some one must have shot Ullr's dog cause he sure seems pissed. Niar next two dayz here on the western front and im so sick of this. I see where someone gave mountain mashersnow diablo anothe star hope that helps his Kharma........ OK Thank you I feel better Now
December 20, 2006
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
1,547 posts
I've been looking at the pics of Denver and CO Springs right now and it puts me in anything put a Christmas spirit. Here it's in the 50s, brown grass, sunny, and some in shorts. What ever happened to the days when the old timers grew up where it snowed from late Oct through april with there being some amount of snow on the ground nearly the entire 6 months? What happened to the lakes freezing to ice fish on or ice skate on? This isn't Christmas, this is almost a shameful attempt at a mild autumn which is even worse than a poor pathetic attempt at winter. This is what seeing loads of fluffy whiteout conditions power does to me. *sigh*

Just think, I got new Goodyear TripleTread tires on my car today which are optimized for snow/ice driving and I can't yet test them out.
December 20, 2006
Member since 04/11/2006 🔗
555 posts
And while we're ranting - I want to rant about the weathermen Yes, I know it's not there fault and that weather is an inexact science - but come on! The current temperature at Davis (on both the NWS site and confirmed by Scott's semi-real-time feed) is 33 (as of 7:51 pm). The forecast LOW for Davis tonight is 35! Again, come on! If you can't get what's left of TODAY right, how can you expect us to believe what you say about next week?

Whew. Rant done. I feel better now.

Roger Z
December 20, 2006
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
The ground blizzards are raging in eastern CO tonight baby!!! It's 40 and raining here, but my truck needed the wash.

My girlfriend liked her present, I liked her present to me, I got buzzed tonight with the Rotary Club, there's three feet of new snow at Park City with more on the way, midwinter trips for NM and CO as well, a really good friend in Albuqueque just sent me several photos of the city covered in snow (and since he's from Seattle, this might be his first white Christmas in decades), it snowed in Las Vegas two days ago and there's freeze warnings in Phoenix (as well as most of the Central Valley of CA yesterday), and my heating bill is down for this month. No rant here!!!

I'm becoming the optimistic version of MM, aren't I???
December 21, 2006
Member since 11/27/2004 🔗
532 posts
RANT???? All I know is that it has been so warm here that I have began buying parts to build a new mountian bike!!!! Christmas? Skiing? Nah, totally not in the mood.
JimK - DCSki Columnist
December 21, 2006
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
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A story about current Denver blizzard conditions.
Cool thing about DC is we only need two inches for the adventurous form of gridlock that hit Denver after two feet.
Roger Z
December 21, 2006
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
Yeah hope on one was flying through DIA for a little Christmas skiing in the Rockies today. Or tomorrow, most likely, as clean-up will probably be a mess.

Anyone else on the board today? Not much going on here at the office and there's no new posts! There's my rant...
December 21, 2006
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
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I got my skis waxed
December 21, 2006
Member since 03/15/2004 🔗
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Waxed for pow pow or waxed for spring corn??? (:^O)>>>
December 21, 2006
Member since 12/8/2001 🔗
792 posts
I waxed my board alittle while back for spring conditions and it worked great. I won't be scraping that off for a while it seems. Before I go to Utah I'll strip it off and go either cold or universal.
December 21, 2006
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
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I'm an optitomist
December 22, 2006
Member since 01/11/2000 🔗
609 posts
I'll be out in colorado on Jan 6th. Think some of this powder will still be around?
December 22, 2006
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts

I got buzzed tonight with the Rotary Club

las cucarachas, las cucarachas, ya no puethe caminar

porque no tiene, porque no tiene....

xxx....par fumar
Roger Z
December 22, 2006
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
Jimmy apparently knows my girlfriend is from El Salvador...

...plenty of snow will be had in January in CO, just not in the Plains (which includes Denver, btw. Denver is flatter than Kansas City, it just happens to have the dumb luck of sitting next to a 14,000 foot mountain range. Bastards. Not that I'm bitter or anything). It's going to get to 60 in Denver sometime between now and Jan 6th, it's all but a certainty.

In the mountains, however, there's no worries. Wolf Creek is approaching 200 inches of snow for the season and is ahead of everyone in Utah. I think they've got the most snow so far outside of the Pac NW. My brother and I are definitely leaning to a late March ski trip to WC, despite the discount tickets to Copper...
December 22, 2006
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
RogerZ, must be tough, being stuck in the middle of all that western joy and this mid-atlantic frustration. I am sitting here watching fetal snow, just read therusty's post, he's right no one wants this.... the board has been too quiet for this time of year...... a rant doesn't even make me feel better so U NO WUT? it's time for positive thoughts, maybe we can dredge up some stories of peace and joy from the season past.

hey JimK

I remember that day

last year, susie colleen u and me, snowed all day, each run better than the last, nice big flakes then snow like stardust, never a whiteout just nice steady snow all day, like the best present ever that no one had to pay for, just show up and enjoy??

Skiing & boarding are more than a physical activitiy, man they are also a state of mind, anyways.... nothing but happy thoughts today, i no there's some snow on the way, anyone want to share a happy thought from yesterday?
Roger Z
December 22, 2006
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
Jimmy- the local ski hill is open! We're skiing on nine of 12 runs. I think the idea that Snow Creek has 12 runs is a bit of a euphemism- they're probably counting "upper", "middle", "lower", "left", and "right" as all separate runs. But they made it through the warm spell and the weather, while still above normal, is going to be much more conducive for snowmaking for the next several days.

Okay, I've only had five cups of coffee and three pieces of coffee cake so far today (as well as whip cream, caramel fudsge, and peppermint shots)... I'm worried if I don't find more sugar and caffeine RIGHT NOW I might come off this buzz, which could hurt a lot.

The ski season is barely begun, don't give up hope yet!!!
December 22, 2006
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
1,547 posts
I just saw flakes! I just saw flakes!!

... oh, nevermind, that was the fog moving in once more.
December 23, 2006
Member since 03/4/2003 🔗
294 posts
Better days are just ahead......
December 23, 2006
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
303 posts

I just saw flakes! I just saw flakes!!


...oh, never mind. It was my neighbor cutting the grass.
December 24, 2006
Member since 01/11/2000 🔗
609 posts
Now now, I thought we were keeping this positive.

My wife informed me yesterday that about 3 years ago, we were having a really warm december and it stayed that way through Chistmas. Then, later that season, we had a really huge dump of snow. Therefore, we will have a really huge dump this year.

So I asked her when. She confidently replied "I don't know when. But it will snow this season."

This kind of encouragement is what gets me through the day.
December 24, 2006
Member since 09/16/2006 🔗
66 posts
The latest thinking from the NWS charleston is that a 4 to 10 inch snowstorm is on the way.....heard that before?...the last time they had a 4 to 10 predict it snowed 7 or 8 in the valley....Oh, the storm will be Starting early tue morn...too late for a white "Holiday"...just trying not to offend anyone!.....Been in the low 80's to upper 70's here in north Tampa..took my boat up the weeki wachee spring fed river(Crystal clear) & went swimming with the Manatee's......Man I am Frusterated with this weather
December 24, 2006
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
1,547 posts
While the CV area may get it, I am not expecting anything to to snow or if it snows, accumulate below 2000'. I'm so frustrated that I see the ground is still warm and unfrozen that we don't have a snowballs chance in Hawaii of snow happening here at this elevation anytime soon.
Roger Z
December 24, 2006
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
The Weather Channel is showing a nice storm for WV early next week- that must be the one you're mentioning- with trailing snow showers for a day or two afterward. Looks very nice, hopefully this pattern shift will stay in place for a while, no?

Nothing here in Kansas but sunny skies and 50 degrees. Like I said, the cold is nice once in a while (and boy does it get cold out here) but the 50 degree weather really helps with the heating bills and makes for nice hiking/running weather!
December 24, 2006
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
1,547 posts
Roger, you sure sound like you are becoming a Floridian 65 year old retiree with that talk!
Roger Z
December 25, 2006
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
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No, just a guy with a mortgage that's too big.
December 26, 2006
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
1,547 posts
Wow... awful quiet today.

I checked out Wisp's cams and it's an abysmal rainy and foggy day there. Hardly ANYONE is only the slopes. I can't imagine how bad Wisp is hurting financially by not having packed slopes over the Christmas weekend/week.
December 26, 2006
Member since 04/11/2006 🔗
555 posts
Agreed. I was looking at Timberline and its the same. No rain was visible but it was foggy. At least they're calling for a little snow tonight.

This must be killing all of the operators.
December 26, 2006
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
1,547 posts
I got two free tickets to snowshoe, and was seriously considering going today when the forecast yesterday called for snow after 9am, high temps of 26, lows in the teens. I figured they'd have guns going, the natural snowfall that was being called for, and it'd be a winter wonderland. However, I think the storm that could have been wasn't leaving this area with medocre above freezing weather and precip.
December 26, 2006
Member since 12/2/2004 🔗
165 posts
Check out the web cam... Snowing as of this post

It's about time!!!!
December 26, 2006
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
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The Forrest Service camera shows it being 34* and 99% humidity. Either they haven't updated or things are dropping fairly fast there. Even the Wisp cameras show a hint of white on the green areas...
johnfmh - DCSki Columnist
December 26, 2006
Member since 07/18/2001 🔗
1,992 posts
Weather Underground claims to have an observer at Point Knob (3750 ft / 1143 m). It seems to be the most accurate as far as temperatures are concerned:

Right now: 28.7 and overcast. 94% humidity. I hope with the brief shot of cold air (tonight-thurs), T-line will be able to get more terrain open and put some more snow on what they have right now.
December 26, 2006
Member since 12/11/2003 🔗
127 posts
It snowed briefly at about 3:00, just enough to turn the grass at Black Bear white. It is now 4:50 and it is 30.7 degrees with the lightest snow possible. Doesn't look as if we will get much but the temps should be down at least through the night.
December 26, 2006
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
1,547 posts
It appears to be snowing on Wisp's webcams with the top of the mountain in whiteout conditions (or the cams just that glossed over) with the bottom of the mountain showing the grass a bit white, but far from anything other than trace.
December 26, 2006
Member since 09/16/2006 🔗
66 posts
The only part that is not accurate is the "Overcast" part. I Don't Know where the cloud & Precip info comes from but is isn't from Pointy Knob. I think it comes from Hot springs because Elkins has been showing constant snow for a couple of hours now(If its snowing in Elkins its snowing harder up there!) & the Obs still say Overcast.... this is just a personal weather station not an actual weather observer like Dave Lesher up at Canaan Hgts.
December 27, 2006
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
1,547 posts
While I agree that forecasts more than 72 hours out are pretty sketchy for any season and any weather, but I did plug in my zipcode to all the weather sites. The longrange forcasts seem to show 50's for the daytime highs and low 30s for the nighttime lows for Wardensville. Looks like no snow in the foreseeable future to test my new tires in. *sigh*
December 27, 2006
Member since 05/13/2003 🔗
317 posts
Looks like an inch, maybe just a bit more, overnight at Tline (loking out my window this morning).
johnfmh - DCSki Columnist
December 27, 2006
Member since 07/18/2001 🔗
1,992 posts
The guns seemed to be on as well. This is a good sign.
December 27, 2006
Member since 09/16/2006 🔗
66 posts
3" at snowshoe & the oficial tally for 3700' Canaan is 1.9..I'm Happy for all the people spending good money up there, Including my Renters Cking in today....The Nws predicted 4 to 10 for this event 36 hours before the event......38 degrees this morn here at Weeki Wachee,fl(hour north of Tampa)....More snow for new years?...Stay tuned....Did any body see any guns on at the top of TL?...I'm Giving them to mid Jan to BUMP THAT BASE UP!!
December 27, 2006
Member since 09/16/2006 🔗
66 posts
I just cked the OBS for Canaan(3280') & they claim a 3" total ending as all OBS do at 7am. Maybe the 1st inch melted & another inch is in the woods!Looks like its still snowing(930am)up there.....50 degees & rising fast here in FL..time to put the boat in
December 27, 2006
Member since 09/11/2006 🔗
187 posts
Measured about 2" here in Davis
December 27, 2006
Member since 05/13/2003 🔗
317 posts
Guns were on all day at Tline, blowing on all the high traffic areas, the halfpipe/terrain park, and as much of Sally as I could see, both top and bottom. Patrol opened The Drop at 1pm today, and it had good cover top to bottom (but not side to side) with only one area where a few pebbles were showing through. Much needed too, as WL was getting a bit crowded.

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