winter olympics results
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JimK - DCSki Columnist
February 13, 2002
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
2,989 posts
Am I the only one who thought Jonny Mosley should have got the moguls gold?
February 13, 2002
Member since 11/22/1999 🔗
317 posts
Probably not the only one, but I have to agree with the results of the judges on this one. Jonny's time wasn't the fastest and his first jump was only a triple. The gold medal winner, on the other hand, had a blindingly fast run (how does ANYONE move their feet that fast?) and performed two quad jumps. Yes, Jonny's "dinner roll" was quite impressive, but not enough to make up for a slower time and a basic (by Olympic standards) first jump. As one of the commentators put it "Jonny Moseley can win with the dinner roll, but he can not win because of the dinner roll" meaning he had to be just as strong on the first jump, in the bumps and with a good time. All of the medal winners had faster times and better sets of jumps.

Now you wanna talk getting robbed, how about the medals for pairs skating? The Canadians were totally gyped. The French judge has even stated that he was promised a winning vote for the French from another judge in ice dancing if he would support the Russians in the pairs competition. Grrrr.......

[This message has been edited by Jim (edited 02-13-2002).]

February 13, 2002
Member since 11/9/2001 🔗
221 posts
no you aren't the only one....All i gotta say is power to the dinner roll!
February 13, 2002
Can someone help me, why would anyone want to do moguls? It seems each skier had multiple knee surgeries. Additionally, it doesn't look like a lot of fun.

Now the downhill, that's something!

February 13, 2002
Member since 11/22/1999 🔗
317 posts
Moguls CAN be fun. Several years ago, I used to hate them - mainly because I couldn't ski them. Now I LOVE moguls. If done correctly, moguls aren't very jarring. Instead, the sensation is a lot like floating up and down through the terrain. In addition, moguls provide a challenge that keeps skiing (or boarding) fresh. Its always good to have something to work on, to strive to improve upon. Once you can do everything, the sport becomes boring. That's way so many world-expert skiers are hitting more and more extreme terrain - to push their limits. Of course, pushing too much too fast can have the opposite effect and result in being discouraged. So the key is to try to challenge yourself just a bit. I'm no expert in moguls (and, in fact, consider myself only passable), so I'm still having fun working on my technique.

BTW - don't use the Olympics as the only example of how to enjoy moguls. You can go through at a more even pace (without jumps) and still enjoy. Also, try to get a good instructor. It kills me to admit this, but Otto does teach a very good bump lesson (-:

February 13, 2002
Member since 09/30/2003 🔗
172 posts
how bout them snowboarders!!??
February 14, 2002
you're right jim.. i think jonny himself said somethin to that affect to. even tho he didnt do as good on the top jump...i jus think he shouldve won cause he's jonny mosely. doesnt always work out that way though. see ya
JimK - DCSki Columnist
February 14, 2002
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
2,989 posts
i'll have a couple of mctwists, and bring me a basket of dinner rolls too.
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