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December 5, 2002
Just spoke with some folks up at Liberty and they plan to open tomorrow morning with trails from the front and the back of the mountain open including Ultra!!! Conditions should be great and they have already received 5 inches of natural snow and have been blowing since Sunday.
December 5, 2002
Member since 09/30/2003 🔗
172 posts
5 inches translates into 2 inches by the resort yardstick. they always exaggerate. tis nice though that they are opeing with lots of trails. it will be packed this weekend im sure.
Jim - DCSki Supporter 
December 5, 2002
Member since 11/22/1999 🔗
319 posts
From the folks at Liberty, the following trails will be open at 9am tomorrow:

Dipsy Doodle (top to bottom) (green)
Blue Streak (black)
Heavenly (blue)
Ultra (top to bottom) (double black/black)
Beginner area (green)

Not too shabby considering it was another month before they were open this time last year.

December 5, 2002
Member since 11/19/1999 🔗
176 posts
According to my boss at Liberty, there is at least 6-8 of snow from the sky on the mountain. If you get there at 8 tommorrow, you get freshies...

Now, this report is not 100% reliable, as the source wants me to work this weekend, but this is probably not subject to the traditional snow report multiplier...

Besides, NO WHINING. It is the 5th of December and there is real snow on the ground, its been cold for almost a week, and the backside of Liberty will be open.

December 6, 2002
Member since 09/30/2003 🔗
172 posts
so because i dont scream 'all hail snowtime' because they got open early, thats whining? i love how they act like they are doing some major sacrificial service by DOING THEIR JOBS. sheesh. RT was crap on tues and great on wed and i'll give credit where credit is due, but c'mon, everybody around this area KNOWS they lie thru their teeth about conditions.
Scott - DCSki Editor
December 6, 2002
Member since 10/10/1999 🔗
1,279 posts
Please remember to keep the tone here positive. This is a place for snowsports enthusiasts to share experiences and provide constructive negative feedback when due, but not a place to bash each other or resorts.

Every ski resort in the country takes a "half glass full" approach rather than a "half glass empty" approach. I've been keeping a close eye on resorts in the Mid-Atlantic for some time now, and I haven't seen any resort dishonest in their reporting. Resorts around here want nothing more than to turn each visitor into a repeat visitor, and that is not easily achieved by misrepresenting conditions.

Yes, you have to calibrate local ski reports for the types of conditions that are local to this area. This isn't Colorado. Packed powder in the Mid-Atlantic is rarely going to be as nice as packed powder out west and you have to set your expectations accordingly.

I think one thing we can all agree on is that conditions right now are extraordinary for December, or any time of the season for that matter.

December 6, 2002
Member since 11/19/1999 🔗
176 posts
Sorry I hurt your feelings...

All snow reports are lies. No question. "All hail Snowtime".. well there is always risk in making snow early, but I don't think any worship of Liberty/Roundtop/Whitetail management is called for...

I am just a bit giddy...

Just like another activity, some skiing is better than none, and even bad skiing can come in real handy...

December 7, 2002
Member since 01/11/2000 🔗
609 posts
Praise snowtime for doing their jobs? I think their job is to open when Mother Nature and Ullr allow them to. I'd say they did their jobs.

Thanks ULLR!!!! Think Snow!!!!! I'm going today!!!!!!

Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!! I love winter!!!!!

Sorry, just a little excited.

December 10, 2002
Member since 09/30/2003 🔗
172 posts
i hear you guys. i was like a kid before xmas saturday night since the pipe was supposed to open on sunday. got up there at 7:30 and got first tracks. the pipe was about as perfect as it could get. they really thought things thru for once. saturday was good too. they groomed very early and left the guns on later so it gave a powder effect very nice til about 1:00 the

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