Conditions at Liberty
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January 7, 2002
Member since 04/1/2000 🔗
198 posts
Hey, gang: not getting enough e-mail? I'm sure not! Accordingly, I signed up to have Ski Liberty send me a daily e-mail of conditions. You can sign up for daily mail, weekends only, etc. at
January 7, 2002
Member since 03/26/2001 🔗
33 posts
I'm, for sure, getting enough e-mail -- but it's never the good kind! Ha! I've signed up for the Liberty conditions e-mail too -- Nice Feature!

Speaking of conditions at Liberty, Wow! -- was it ever great last night! Four inches of fresh powder coming down fast! It was coming down so hard at one point, I couldn't see the chair in front of me on the lift! Since I just learned how to ski last year, I had never skied on fresh powder before. Now that's some skiing!! Anyone else go skiing in our little winter storm yesterday evening?

January 8, 2002
Member since 11/20/2001 🔗
218 posts
If you think Liberty was good, all I can say is that you should have seen Whitetail!

The snow started around 2 PM and dumped about 8 inches (!!!) by the time we left at 8 PM.

Much of the crowd bailed out in the late afternoon, leaving the best to last. To be precise, most people TRIED to leave in the afternoon, but were delayed because of two separate (but simultaneous) multiple car fenderbenders blocking the exits of the parking lot.

Anyway, it was fantastic. One of the people I went up with is a PSIA cert Nordic instructor. I was on my 10ex's and he was on telemark gear, and he and I were able to do powder-8's on the edges of a couple of the runs. Skier traffic was so light that they didn't get tracked over for at least one lift ride. This was the first time in my 30 years of skiing that I was ever able to do powder-8's in the mid-Atlantic!

On the drive back home, we saw how quickly the snow depth decreased as we went east. By the time we got to Hagerstown, the depth looked like only 4-5 inches and decreased steadily to Frederick and into Montgomery Cnty. It was clearly a case of being in the right place at the right time.

Amazing day.

Tom / PM

johnfmh - DCSki Columnist
January 8, 2002
Member since 07/18/2001 🔗
1,992 posts
When I got home last night from work, the Whitetail snow report e-mail was on my machine. I almost through my skis on the rack and headed out--wish I had. It sounded GREAT. Thanks much for the report Physics man. I'm happy that Tail now has first-rate conditions. Nothing close, comes close!!
January 8, 2002
I was also at Whitetail late afternoon/early evening on Sunday and were the conditions ever sweet! So few people and lots of powder... 10 inches must have fallen in 5 hours... it was a rare treat and made the extra hour driving back to DC more than worth it.
January 9, 2002
Member since 04/1/2000 🔗
198 posts
I'm glad to hear WT has its e-mail list running this year. There had been problems with it last year or the year before. I know to take those reports with a grain of salt, but hope springs eternal.
January 9, 2002
Member since 06/23/2000 🔗
61 posts
I was up at Whitetail on Tuesday and the conditions were great. I was amazed at the amount of snow they had down. They are letting Bold Decision bump up, but it's not bumped up enough yet to have good lines. Exhibition was groomed, but a lot of fun and doing laps on Limelight with big, GS turns is always fun.

I think there were only about 12 people there to enjoy the great conditions too!!! Gotta love standing at the top of a slope and not seeing another person on it!

January 9, 2002
Yeah, I was at Whitetail also on Tuesday 1/08. Conditions were first rate! I agree with one of the earlier postings "nothing close comes close"
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