Demo Bindings
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November 6, 2002
Member since 11/6/2002 🔗
8 posts
I just bought a new pair of used Atomic Beta Ride 10.22 skis and they include Atomic's Centro 412 demo bindings. Will these be good enough for me, or should I replace them with new bindings. I am 6'0" 200lbs. Thanks!
johnfmh - DCSki Columnist
November 7, 2002
Member since 07/18/2001 🔗
1,992 posts
Most Atomic skis only work with Atomic bindings, so if you do upgrade, you might be limited in your selection. That being said, I've never heard anyone complain about Atomic bindings.
November 7, 2002
Member since 11/6/2002 🔗
8 posts
I don't mind being limited to Atomic bindings (if I am). My concern is, are "demo" bindings good enough? I am a hard skier, love the bumps and going fast. My question is, are "demo" bindings as good as "normal" bindings that aren't adjustable to all boots.
JimK - DCSki Columnist
November 7, 2002
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
3,014 posts
I can see why you have concerns, most skis with demo bindings had an earlier life as either regular rental eqmt or product demos. Regular rental eqmt is usually (but not always) aimed at mid to lower level skiers. Product demos can include eqmt intended for hard, fast skiing by experts looking for new, expensive skis. I don't know much about Atomics. How old is this stuff and are these skis & bindings in the high performance category? If the eqmt is fairly new (less than 5 years) and is considered high end stuff for serious skiers then I would think the demo bindings should be fine for your aggressive style, after all they were intended to be demo'd by skiers like you. If you haven't a clue on this, it might be wise to have a friendly conversation with someone who works on atomic skis and bindings at a ski shop. One of the sets of very inexpensive used skis I bought at a swap recently for my son had been rentals and had demo/rental bindings, which are easily adjustable to different boot sizes. I considered this a plus for a kid who is still growing like crazy and may be in new boots in 12-24 mos. My son is not a real aggressive skier.
Jim - DCSki Supporter 
November 7, 2002
Member since 11/22/1999 🔗
319 posts

You're fine. The Atomic 10.22 Betaride is a high end, off-piste ski intended for experts. Its light, quick, responsive, and stable. The 412 bindings are meant for high-end skiers as well. In fact, the number 412 refers to the din setting range (4 to 12). I have the exact same set up (non-demo bindings) and have taken these skis EVERYWHERE, including some pretty nasty stuff at A-Basin. The din range and performance capabilities of the ski/binding combo is more than enough for you. For example, I'm 5'10" and a bit over 200 (working on that part) and the din setting on my Atomic's is 8.5. Plenty of room before I hit the max retention setting of 12. I like to ski bumps and am a fairly aggressive skier. So don't worry about the capabilities of your new-to-you equipment. That said, however, I would recommend having the skis and bindings checked out by an authorized Atomic mechanic. So long as both are in good shape based on the mechanic's evaluation, you will be good to go (equipment-wise) for literally anything that can be skied in the Mid-Atlantic or even out west for that matter.

ps: Is your moniker due to the type of bike you ride?

[This message has been edited by Jim (edited 11-07-2002).]

November 7, 2002
Member since 11/6/2002 🔗
8 posts
Thanks for your help guys! I have been nervous about the demo bindings not being as good as regular bindings. I plan on having them waxed and tuned ASAP. I can't wait to try them out. I have been skiing on a pair of old Atomic straight skis. Are there a lot of people here that go to Snowshoe and Seven Springs?

"ps: Is your moniker due to the type of bike you ride?"

Yes, I have this screen name on all the boards I am on. Rather than remember different ones for different sites. I ride a '95 F3. But she's been put away for the winter, and time to get the skis out!

Jim - DCSki Supporter 
November 7, 2002
Member since 11/22/1999 🔗
319 posts
Hey CBR:

Glad to help. Regarding the bike, I was curious because I have a '00 YZF600R. I'm putting that little piece of equipment into hibernation this weekend. From there, the Beta Ride and Beta Carve's are coming out. I'm hoping the cooler weather lasts. Liberty predicts (unofficially) an opening as soon as the first week in December if current weather patterns hold.

I don't get up to Seven Springs nearly as much as I'd like to (great resort) and never been to Snowshoe, but I've heard good things. If you're in the DC area, don't forget that the local areas (Liberty, Whitetail) make for great day trips.

November 7, 2002
Member since 11/9/2001 🔗
221 posts
you guys are great! I got a pair of Dynastar max 3's of ebay a month or two ago, and they have demo's on them. Once I get home I can check the actual binding to see the model. I'm gonna get them tuned up once i get up north (I live in florida). But I've heard they are great skis and for $70, can I really complain! =) THINK SNOW!!!
November 8, 2002
Member since 11/6/2002 🔗
8 posts
Jim, I am in Ohio, so I won't be traveling to the DC area. PA and WV are as far as I will drive. I have flown out to Tahoe the past few years and skied Heavenly. I highly recommend that.

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