Happy November!..The countdown begins..
November 12, 2009
This is the Month..the real deal.The next time the guns start up, they will mean Buisness!
When is the next Window for a good Snowmaking run..or for the real stuff?...Well..the last 2 days the GFS Model was showing a really good shot of cold & Snow starting the 8th or 9th & lasting nearly a week with another cold shot a couple of days later but looking at the 0z run..it Vanished..BUT..it is showing one coming in on the 13th/14th. Same ole song & Dance

Killington claims they only need 48 to 72 hours of good Snowmaking to open up..that could happen by next weekend...I know of a couple of areas that need 48 DAYS to get open

.....Stay Tuned!
PS..There might be a nite or 2 that SS could blow this week...I'm not sure if they would do it..Still early.
Could be a dusting to an inch or so up in the Alpps by fri but then nothing till mid Month or later

....Maybe the timing will be perfect for T-Giving?!!?.
Killington will get into the Snowmaking game tonite but they will have to weather another warmup down the road also...The Cold shot down the western Rockies & some of the earliest snow on Record for parts of China on the other side of the Arctic seems to have relieved the Cold pressure that had built up..Tennis anyone?
Snowing at Snowshoe, as per their Facebook. Can't be much. Haven't even seen a rain drop here 1 hr south.
T-Giving is on the 26th this year..How many days of Snowmaking do we need to get SS/Wisp/7SP up & running? The long range for what its worth is saying the 18th to the 20th some solid cold air coming down..is that in time?
There is very cold air with -44 on the Russian side of the Arctic & -33 readings on our side just waiting for marching orders!
Killington is making a decision tomorrow at 10AM about opening this weekend...
Supposedly some snow in Fairmont, WV this morning. The home of my Alma Mater!!
I'm really getting in the mood now. It was snowing really hard last night up at DCL, even though it was 32F it wasn't sticking. Picking up my skis today, to make sure I can jump on the first big dump!
Where is DCL??..
Killington will be opening Sat at 10 am..will see if they can make it till the next weekend with the warmer temps..
DCSKI is basicaly divided up into 2 main gangs with some smaller tribes mixed in...you have the Greeners,Nutters..the Tailers..Grouped together as the Lowlanders with a tendecy for nose bleeds..The westerlies(spoiled & Pampered snobs) of course but the main ones are the SWPA Boys(Geeky) & the WV boys(Tough Guys)..narrowed down to the Springers & the Canaanites...Well, the Springers on their Generic version of this thread have stated yest that mid month the guns will begin..The models bring this up & then take it away..I'm still waiting for solid evidence of a good & LONG blast to really get things open...Stay Tuned!
DCL is Deep Creek Lake. Kinda like OBX means something to folks in NC.
I appreciate how you can split everybody up into two groups while simultaneously insulting all of them...good job

Which group do you put yourself in?
Lowlander Steve.
Which group do you put yourself in?
Lowlander Steve.
Andy is in a category of his own. He's a redneck, crab stealing, weather watching North Carolina boy. A southerner if you will.
Tough Guy Dave.
We already have several resorts open in CO!!! We had such a rainy spring/summer that I have no doubt this will be an awesome season. Come visit! Oh, and I just got a new pair of salomon mai tai skis http://www.skicandy.com/cgi-bin/find.cgi?st=mai+tai+skis&lp=&hp=&auct=on&x=0&y=0 that I get to try out on Veterna's day!!! yahoooooooooooooooo
Hey David..I'm down here in FL today & just noticed your Kind remarks..They are so appreciated!..I really never thought that I could ever achieve such a level of Class in my life..been a hard row to HoE!..Anyway Folks, David is a little Biased since he is in the Same Gang as me..WV ALPPS RULE!!!
Lowlander Steve..I have the upmost respect for you & your Gang because anybody that can survive a Demolition, Roller Derby type of skiing has my vote!!
Still Weather watching & there seem to be a couple of 2 to 3 day cold shots on the way but the models flip on every run..We need to see a 5 day blast befor T-Giving!...Be good Ganstas..
Sure is slow here at DCSKI..OK..things look to pick up around the eve of the 17th..I hope!... It Looked like the remants of Hurricane Ida could have given us a version "Snowy cane" but the pros ain't biting..looks like it will swing east & south of the Mid Atl...I'm Hoping the Eve of the 17th gets the Snowguns seriously cranking & we can have a decent T-giving. The Pros will diagnose what I see for the 17th thru to T-giving & you know that the mouth that moved south will report!..Stay tuned & waxed!!!
http://igloo.atmos.uiuc.edu/cgi-bin/test...=10&sy=2009After all the hoopla about this great Winter pattern that we will have this winter..& wundering when it starts

..& after seeing this years Minimum Arctic ice Extent which beat out the last 2 years & came real close to a 3rd give us all hope.. we now see that the Ice has really slowed down & has now matched the lowest year (07) at this point... Should we call Al & apologize?..Not so fast!...
1st of all the fall of 07 saw a crazy increase in ice & went from rock bottom to normal by the new year so its not as bad as it looks.07 had a slow start cold & Snow wise but came on Strong with some major dumpage for the High Country. Do you all remember the reports & Pics?..I think crunchy was a canaan Virgin back then & was loving life!
Also if you CK out the ice Comparison you will see just how much Thicker the ice is this year..its solid!(Slow ice growth is better they say) The Northern Hemisphere Snow cover is still a good bit above normal allthough it is stacked over in Northern Asia along with very cold temps...We Need it on this side!...Still waiting for that pattern change as we are running out of time for T-Giving but don't give up yet..There are still hopeful model scenerios with a storm or 2 right around the holidays but then again I'm sure your tired of all the wolf howling

..In the long run I do have confidence in a good Winter overall!!..Don't you all??..huh..anyone
Looked like the remants of Hurricane Ida could have given us a version "Snowy cane" but the pros ain't biting..looks like it will swing east & south of the Mid Atl...
You're forecast might just be coming true. Big flakes are flying on the Dolly Sods Cam.
I just saw where Snowshoe was at 32 degrees & was about to CK out the radar to see if it could be snowing but decided to see the sods cam 1st & BAM...Urrrr Right Murphy..Big flakes. The Alpps were real close to getting a 2 footer out of this..
Looking good. 2 feet would have been nice though! I'd take a day off for that!!
They're reporting snow at Snowshoe too. Of course we'll just have to take their word for it since there's no webcam!

It must not be Snowing down lower at valley level otherwise TL's Cam would be updated & running

....Its "Row..Row..Row UR boat down here in the carolinas!
PS..DUMPING up at MPC...(according to manmade Instruments)
After snowing since before noon today Canaan Hts is cking in with a half inch on the ground..
Draw a line From Snowshoe,Wv up over MPC & the Roaring Plains & on into the Sods & I bet there is a good bit more on the ground..The main push of moisture has had a hard time pushing past these areas.
Spruce Knob would be a nice place to hike around tomorrow morn. Another Show but still not a go for the season...
Well I ended walking from one area (it wasn't a bar, I swear) to another this evening and did so in heavy rain. 10 minutes later I look outside and there are HUGE flakes coming down, mixed in with rain. It was pretty nuts. Nothing is sticking (other than some slush on the cars), but it was still worth posting about!
In you missed the 5:30ish update of the DS webcam. Beautiful.....

Ck out how Frosty MPC looks which is just behind & to the right of the Canaan ski area!
Looks like Wintergreen got a nice little coating there Badger..I was surprised but then again that mtn has surprised me before. Its in the prime zone for a good NE'aster.
http://www.accuweather.com/news-story.asp?partner=accuweather&traveler=0&article=8Like I posted earlier & now Accu confirming in case you all just think I talk a bunch of Du Du..The fact that we have a problem..a leak in the cold factory that is robbing our T-Giving chances. The western us side is still getting whats leftover for our side of the world & I can't find anything for the east including the NE till right at the Holiday maybe which would be too late. Any skiing weatherman out there with some hope???...
Timberline is loving this & it makes them look smart but I still think its lame to not have plans in place to open when Mama Nature hands you a big winter blessing on a silver platter ..Like Last Year