Mt. Porte Crayon??
May 15, 2009
25 posts
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Anyone ever done a backpacking trip up there? I did a sods loop last year with my dad and brother and am looking for another 2 night trip for some time early this year. If not, can anyone suggest a good 2 night backpacking trip that would be good for late may?
Andy knows. I think he took his F-350 up there to drop off a statue.
Andy knows. I think he took his F-350 up there to drop off a statue.
Knowing Andy, that was probably a bio-diesel F-350 he drove up there to drop off his statue.

Thats right...Drill for more Bio-Diesel!!

Most of the hiking there is the Roaring Plains. Jonathan Jessup goes back there a lot, if you drop an email to him he'd be more than happy to give you some advice. Is it Long Branch that runs off the east side of the Roaring Plains? I always thought that looked like an interesting area to hike into. I've only done a day trip back there but noted that lack of water on the hike I was on.
[quote=Roger Z) I've only done a day trip back there but noted that lack of water on the hike I was on. [/quote]
What did you expect up there ...White water rafting??...Got your drift though... David could find a trout or 2 in one of them pools...
ya it was actually the roaring plains loop i was thinking of. i am hesitant to venture near the sods within the next 2-3 weeks considering all the rain, would probably be a complete mess. would love to do a good 2 night trip somewhere. Shenandoah would be great as well but i cant find too many loops up there, everything seems to be based off the app trail
as long as you dont setup camp in a bog, the sods should be fine to backpack in. theres always mud bogs unless there is a 2 week drought which rarely happens in an area that averages 60" of rain.

Call Ben or Jeremy at Highland Prospects in Davis. (259-5656) they will hook you up with good places to backpack for sure. (kinda their business really)
haha ya I actually lucked out last year, was in the middle of a 2-3 week mini drought which was great... little to no mud/bogs. might try for next weekend or the following; either sods or roaring plains.
Go to the Plains. Better views!!
I went all the way to the top once...Been a while...There is a National GEO Survey benchmark right on the top...There is still remnants of an old fire tower up there too...
I had some pics somewhere...I'll see if i can find them when i get home...
If i remember right, it was something like 12 miles round trip hike from the trailhead...
I've only done a day trip back there but noted that lack of water on the hike I was on.
Lack of water

. Now how are they going to make that white stuff if there's a lack of water. Haul water from Pamlico Sound perhaps!

I've only done a day trip back there but noted that lack of water on the hike I was on.
Lack of water

. Now how are they going to make that white stuff if there's a lack of water. Haul water from Pamlico Sound perhaps!
Snowsmith, let me first say that no one likes you. You are a troll.
I thought it was pretty funny how you changed that quote around. Fish didn't say that. Roger did. Ofcourse there is a lack of water on top of MPC. It is 4,700+ feet above sea level. Not much room for raging rivers up there. If you had half a brain you'd realize that you should take water with you when you are hiking to highest peak in an area. Also, how many ski resorts gather water
from the top of their mountain?
Please do us a favor and don't post outside of your Hidden Valley thread. Everyone likes it so much better that way.
Wow! I don't think that post warranted those kind of insulting comments. I think he was just kidding around. Totally unnecessary to treat a fellow poster that way.
Fishnski - if I insulted you in any way with my half brained attempt at humor please accept my apologies. In earlier days I back packed this magnificent area and it is truly a special place and would make an awesome ski area. Perhaps my half brain does not understand the meaning of the little smiley faces like Dave's full size brain.
Dave - if my post inspire that much acrimony in you, I respectfully ask that you simply move on to the next poster. I am going to post when and where I want. I thought that was the purpose of this board.
Wow!!!..The only insults that seem to be the rave here are the insults to the Mountain itself...tiresome rubbish!..Anyway Thanks for pointing out the Misquote David...I'm Sorry I turned you on to Vodka & Redbull

...Anyway in Defense of my Man David, He is a nice guy that has just been soaking up many posts before he finally erupted like Mount Saint Helens!!
I'm sure this has been covered, but is there any new info on WP opening this mountain to skiing?
although the place would be in my front yard

so the commute would be nada, the Billi Bright "Almost Heaven" is toast.

I've got a picture somewhere of the sign up off of Bonner Mtn Road about "Almost Heaven Resort Development". Even has contact info on it. Did you put that there Andy?
There it is. It isn't the greatest pic. I took it from my car one morning on my way to work. It was one of those -20 days so I wasn't getting out.

Yep....that's thre one that says it's all over. Any body wanna buy some real estate????
Thats just a Bluff by Bill Bright...A big F-U to the powers to be if he doesn't get his way...He is patiently Stalking & ready to pounce when the time is right!!
Any body wanna buy some real estate????
if they did, someone would actually buy lots in the Tuscan Ridge sham