So, there's nothing open around here to ski. It's dumping in Utah but sunny and warm here. What better things are there to do? How about some disc golf?
I started playing disc golf last summer. I didn't really think it would be much fun, as I'm not a golfer. Boy was I wrong! This game is a blast. It makes for a great time, while spending time outside in some beautiful areas and even getting in some exercise (not to mention the occasional poison ivy). None of my friends or I take it very seriously, we just play with a driver and no other discs. We always keep score, and I almost always win!! (They hate me..)
If you haven't played disc golf before, I'd highly recommend that you find a nearby course and give it a shot. Just be ready to have a sore throwing arm the next day!!

Here are some shots of my friends and I from this past weekend.
Driving uphill

I didn't hit a single tree on this hole. Believe that? (That isn't me)

Nice drive

My weapon of choice. "The Wraith"

I'm getting ready to go DEEP

After the launch

That shot landed like this

Look at the form