Timberline conditions 02/03
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February 3, 2009
Member since 04/11/2006 🔗
555 posts
The slopes are in good shape. We had several hours of snow showers, some moderate to heavy. WL and Sally closed for snowmaking. Everything else open.

They were cutting trees down (big ones) between Lower Heaven and the terrain park. Looked like they were opening another trail into the terrain park. While not a bad idea, sometimes the execution up here leaves me stumped. Lower Heaven has been closed for about 5 days while they were making snow. They could have cut the trees then when nobody was skiing Lower Heaven. Today however, they had to have people on Heaven flagging people off to the right while they were maneuvering the snow cat around to drag the trees out of there.

Sadly, I am heading home for a couple of days so this will be the last conditions report for a while. I should be back on Thursday or Friday.
February 3, 2009
Member since 01/20/2009 🔗
24 posts
I thought it was great yesterday, as well. I looked at the report today and it said that Off the Wall was closed today. Not sure why, it was great yesterday (though no more whales, theyre still on the drop though) and didnt seem like it needed snowmaking.
February 3, 2009
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
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Originally Posted By: guyforget
I thought it was great yesterday, as well. I looked at the report today and it said that Off the Wall was closed today. Not sure why, it was great yesterday (though no more whales, theyre still on the drop though) and didnt seem like it needed snowmaking.

They can't have OTW open when Lower Salamander is closed because it is the runout to the bottom.
February 3, 2009
Member since 04/11/2006 🔗
555 posts
Yeah, they didn't update the snow report today (the updater must be out sick smile) and to be honest, since I don't do whales I didn't head over that way. It could still be closed.
JohnL - DCSki Supporter 
February 3, 2009
Member since 01/6/2000 🔗
3,566 posts
Re: recent snow making at T-Line (plenty of trails with solid base has been closed recently, including over this past weekend.) Heard the following from a homeowner this past weekend (so pure hearsay.) Apparently T-Line bought power in bulk, and is in a lose or use (by ~Feb 5) situation. Hence, it makes sense for them to build the base now, instead of after ~Feb 5.

This past weekend, with the exception of Upper Thunder Draft (under the lift), the trails and most woods had a bomber base (due to the ice storm) with few bare spots. With some fresh on top, this is a perfect set-up.

Clay, any reports about how much snow is expected Tuesday night and Wednesday?
February 3, 2009
Member since 07/6/2005 🔗
375 posts
Rumor makes sense, couldn't figure out why the had so many trails closed. JohnL - whales weren't too bad on The Drop last weekend eh. Nice snow.
JohnL - DCSki Supporter 
February 3, 2009
Member since 01/6/2000 🔗
3,566 posts
JohnL - whales weren't too bad on The Drop last weekend eh. Nice snow.

Top ones were purty nice; they skied *a bit* like the old ones on OTW. (They were still a looot easier.)

Snow softened up real nice on sections of The Drop which caught the sun on Sunday; from about 11 to 2:30 or so. Some of the snow stayed surprisingly firm all day.

I wasn't skiing real well this past weekend (beat up from hockey the previous week.) Was it me, or were some of the ruts and sections between the bumps on The Drop (skier's right and down the middle at the main face) a bit tricky last weekend? I just wasn't finding a rhythm; maybe because the bumps weren't fully formed, maybe because I had two left feet last weekend.
February 3, 2009
Member since 03/14/2005 🔗
893 posts
JohnL, Good to meet you the other evening, make some turns for me out west. I'm pretty sure T-line always buys power in bulk...I'm not sure when the bulk dates are though. It's a good idea...I'm sure they burn through power with snowmaking, lights, etc like crazy. Sometimes I wish they would cool it on the lights at night though...sometimes,especially early season, they leave them on all night long, and I'd rather see the stars then high pressure sodium yellow.

Local channel 12 weather just predicted 6 + inches by the end of the day Wed. Probably picked up 1 today.
February 4, 2009
Member since 01/20/2009 🔗
24 posts
Originally Posted By: David
Originally Posted By: guyforget
I thought it was great yesterday, as well. I looked at the report today and it said that Off the Wall was closed today. Not sure why, it was great yesterday (though no more whales, theyre still on the drop though) and didnt seem like it needed snowmaking.

They can't have OTW open when Lower Salamander is closed because it is the runout to the bottom.

Right, makes sense. I dont even look @ the greens when I look @ the reports. blush
JohnL - DCSki Supporter 
February 4, 2009
Member since 01/6/2000 🔗
3,566 posts
Tucker, likewise. I'll be sure to save some western freshies for ya.

Thanks for the snow info. Looks like I won't be able to make it back to the valley until Friday afternoon. I may even be able to find a fresh line or two if I venture a bit...
February 4, 2009
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
2,074 posts
Tucker, u staying local for the winter or r u planning the usual Targhee run?
February 5, 2009
Member since 03/14/2005 🔗
893 posts
Kwill, It appears that pow is not in the cards this season for me cry cry cry cry crycry cry cry ..ok I'm alright now...I am in full construction mode this winter building a house and have found myself cursing the cold weaather and snow cry cry cry cry cry cry ok ok I am better now...Over the past ten years I have gotten 80-100 days on the snow each season...so far this year I have only 5 runs at T-line cry cry cry cry cry cry allright enough of that"pull yourself together tucker"...it is -2 F right now so we can't work today maybe I will go over to Timberline and ride some groomed pow, yeah I will grab a piece of 2 inch foam from the job site so I have something to sit on and my [censored] won't freeze to those plastic chairs cry cry cry cry..I'm alright really cry cry cry cry..ah that was therapeutic smile smile smile

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