Sat and Sunday night skiing?
January 14, 2009
Hi guys,
Quick question - how busy are dc area resorts on Saturday and Sunday nights in terms on lift lines. Specifically, I was wondering about Winter Green and Whitetail.
Normal Sunday nights are very low crowd at either place. Saturday nights are busier, but considerably less than during the day, esp. after about 930pm and on cold nights. This weekend is a little different because many are off on Monday and Tuesday, but nights will still be better than day. Both those places can be pretty crazy on big holiday weekend afternoons if conditions are decent, although I visited Wintergreen a couple years ago on the Monday of President's Weekend and it was not bad at all. I was told the weekenders were busy checking out of their rooms??
My girlfriend and I skied last Saturday night at Whitetail (after skiing Friday night at Liberty). There were basically no lift lines on the Experts Choice quad, but REALLY long (haha... maybe 2 minutes) on the main quad serving the blue runs. The quad serving Snow Park was relatively line-free, but it seemed to stop an awful lot.
We started at 5, which is when lines were longest. By 8 o'clock or so, there was virtually no line anywhere.
Go to Wisp!! They have 100% of their slopes open for night skiing. You can't beat that!!
Night Skiing???

It's been years since I subjected myself to that, but in remembering correctly, I believe David hit the ski with the pole in suggesting Wisp. Generally better conditions than the VA resorts as well.
We started at 5, which is when lines were longest. By 8 o'clock or so, there was virtually no line anywhere.
Far Side was -superb- at that point.
It was really amazing. We were having a hard time figuring out how it was so empty! The snow was in great shape, and the lack of crowds (other than the occasional pack of snowboarders and straight-lining skiers) was a lot of fun. That night, it didnt' ski any differently than a nice blue cruiser, for sure.
I was at WT last Friday night and my heart sank as I went through the Clear Spring traffic light and saw three school buses ahead of me. But ditto scootertig, other than the rare packs of boarders and the bombers, the place was empty. I had Farside and BD to myself on several runs, and had Limelight ALL to myself on my last run at 9:00ish. Only issues were following the buses on Blair Valley Road, and they were cranking the guns everywhere except Sidwwinder and Bold Decision. Bring your goggles.
Man, you guys are great. This is the second question I asked on this site and got exactly the info I needed.
I'll probably hit Whitetail this sat. night and Wisp is on my radar for the near future.
Thanks again!
DCSki, always at the ready with the answer you are looking for!
The Colonel

DCSki, always at the ready with the answer you are looking for!
The Colonel

Sometimes I get the feeling that people just sit and wait for questions to be asked so they can spring into action

Sometimes I get the feeling that people just sit and wait for questions to be asked so they can spring into action
I resemble that remark while wearing my lime green boots!

Glad it is only when you have the limers on!
The Colonel

That's OK, I have a set of limers too, we can tag team.