Hey! We took our youngest skiing with us at age three...but we're NOT experts by any stretch of the imagination, nor are we physically fit--if you and your wife are--then you're two legs up on us!
Given that we were not expert skiers, merely confident intermediates, we were never confident enough to ski with our toddler upon our person...so we waited until she could be doing the actual standing and balancing herself. We bought a learn to ski system that we still LOVE and would unreservedly recommend, it's called Kid-Ski.
It includes a "tip lock", for keeping the tips together, that harness == connecting at the child's hips, so you can actually steer them later, plus the Kiddie Lift--something we found invaluable at the chair lifts, and an H-Bar--something that she absolutely loved. It allows the child to "ride" it like a stick pony--in other words, not actually sitting on it--but merely holding it for balance, and you then can steer them, or brake them if you're on a gentle slope--it's fantastic for using all over green terrain, where as the harness works for steeper terrain (along with a "wedge lock" which in conjunction with the "tip lock" keeps them in 'pizza' position)
That H-Bar also comes in handy once on the chair lift, just place the rods (that are normally behind their legs and in front of their thighs)---around their body with the handle going across your lap, and it adds some security.
All you'll need until your toddler is actually skiing on their own is the H-Bar, Tip Locks or edgie wedgies, and the Kiddie Lift, and skis--I don't know about your toddler, but our daughter was too small for real ski boots until she was three...before then, we used the practice plastic skis (with plastic bindings that were meant to be used with regular snow boots.) Here's a link so you can see what I'm talking about--again, we absolutely loved everything about this system--and our daughter did too.
http://www.applerise.com/merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=ARS&Category_Code=1600lol--I would also heartily recommend checking e-bay...we bought our first package new--it's now up to 119$ it was five dollars less a couple of years ago-but we've since bought a two piece ski-bar (it is easier to pack) we also got her plastic skis on e-bay for much less. If you can find the whole set on e-bay GREAT....if not--obviously, we chose to go with the set--and never regretted it!
I sincerely hope you guys have as much or even more fun than we had! *edited to add--I forgot, here in WV, all the places I know of, 4 is the youngest they'll teach a child to ski, or allow a parent to enroll them in a ski program...if you're just looking for daycare though--yeah, Snowshoe, Winterplace--they both have daycare--but it's very expensive. The good news is though--that their lift tickets are FREE until after age 5!
We let our daughter play in the yard when EVER it snowed...our problem though was that it just barely snowed at all...so she didn't get as much practice as we would have wanted (or she, for that matter) but she loved learning to ski none-the-less...she sang her ABC's or another favorite song at the time all the way down the hill.