I can personally attest to the fact that those trails are super sweet for mountain biking and actually built with mountainbiking in mind if you look at some of the names of the trails like "rockshox", etc. The guys at the bike shop have a big part in them and have done an unreal job with em. The lower trails on the CVI property are great for beginners and aren't too technical but are still fun and have nice features and scenery. But.... at the end of the CVI property, there are 2 long loops you can take that go onto land owned by the vandalia heritage foundation that the bike shop has an agreement with to allow biking and have a blazed course. (the expert class in the bike race had to ride that loop twice!) Its
very technical mountain biking out there, but also very very unique and beautiful! The loop runs up and over one knob nicknamed "moonrocks", that you have to see to believe...
here is a sampling of what it looks like.