Closing weekend at TLine
6 posts
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DCSki Sponsor: The Omni Homestead Resort
March 26, 2008
Member since 12/15/2004 🔗
230 posts
Just checking who will be at TLine for closing weekend of April 4th. Also any predictions on weather???? Looks like a chance of some flurries on that Friday.
March 27, 2008
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
2,074 posts
I'll be there, Todd. It was pretty good last weekend. We're heading up tonight for some, probably, wet weather this weekend as well. Still no bumps on either the drop or OTW. Seems like it gets warm, then rain, then a freeze up to bullet-proof where they have to groom to make it skiable \:\(
March 27, 2008
Member since 12/15/2004 🔗
230 posts
Well figured I would get my little guy a few last turns then do some sledding with him. If its bulletproof next weekend then sledding should be fantastic \:\)
March 28, 2008
Member since 04/11/2006 🔗
555 posts
If my ankle holds up this weekend (3/29) I'll be back next weekend...
March 31, 2008
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
1,552 posts
If I don't make it to Tline this coming week, it'll mean I've not been to Tline for 3 winter seasons straight. I got my board and gear into the new house and am anxious to get myself up there. What all is open and rideable??
April 2, 2008
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
I'll be down to ski some groomers, soak up sum suds and sun and say good nite to the season in the MidAtlantic.
DCSki Sponsor: Massanutten Resort

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