stashes at tline?
January 26, 2008
20 posts
10 users
4k+ views
a few years ago someone posted here about their favorite, ahem, secret trails at timberline. i searched around a little but couldnt find it. can anyone enlighten me?
By tradition such things are not posted on the internet. Most of those in the know will happily share the info face to face.
I agree with Denis.
But some of us are pack rats and hang onto things for a while.

All but one of the lines in that post were pretty obvious and you could easily find if you scope out terrain from the lift (plenty of time to do that

), or keep looking into the trees as you ski down a trail.
BTW, it appears to me that someone has thinned out a line or two in the woods this year. A bit more base, and I'll be do some 'sploring.
Some of the reasons for not broadcasting secret pow lines on the Internet is that some lines can only support a few skiers (or a single snowboarder

) before they get skied out and that some terrain is not safe to be handled by the general public - skills and terrain conditions vary greatly. When skiing with someone, you can assess whether they can handle a line for the conditions of that day.
how bout this stash.. not so secret, but the average passer-by probably doesn't know what it is... i know denis knows how to get to it, but if you know what it is, don't blurt out details

(and no, its not the main weiss slope at wg)
One of my favorite powder stashes at Timberline was extreme skier's left near the trees on Upper Silver Streak.

That is called the 'Directiva'. It is a minefield of big rocks that is very rarely skiable. It has a western exposure so it gets wind scoured. I've never done it but would like to.
By tradition such things are not posted on the internet. Most of those in the know will happily share the info face to face.
i agree. i brought it up here, because it was posted here in the past.
There was Stash all over the MTN 2 days ago...As you Crept up the Mtn You could see massive whales of Stash up & Down every run that wasn't open...& that figure was Way too many!!! They started to groom out twister but kept it closed...they left a couple of lower sections closed that they were supposed to open this MLK weekend. Crunchy saw me personaly congradulate (Chest Bumped him is how crunch put it) Doc Rieckle....Boy was that premature!..I thought the whole mtn could have opened by mon!...Perfect weather though...good times!
I think many stashes at TLine are fairly obvious and can be found with just a little poking around between runs.
and the nicest thing about TLine unlike so many other resorts is they don't CARE if you go poking around....
Chad's a long time fan of DCSki and if IIRC authored some great TR's a few years back. I hope someone will send him a PM with links to the pertinent threads.
I hope someone will send him a PM with links to the pertinent threads.
I don't have a direct link to the thread and am not really sure what year the thread appeared. Somewhere, buried at home, I've got a printout of the thread.
Searching back in DCSki beyond one year is very tricky. I spent a fair amount of time last weekend searching my own posts from years ago to remember what picture hosting websites I had used in past. Took me a while to find the posts, and I was the one who did the posting.
Chad's a long time fan of DCSki and if IIRC authored some great TR's a few years back. I hope someone will send him a PM with links to the pertinent threads.
thanks jimmy! i was at tline last week when i remembered that old post. these days i always have my kids with me on the slopes, and dont have much time to "poke around".
Chad's a long time fan of DCSki and if IIRC authored some great TR's a few years back. I hope someone will send him a PM with links to the pertinent threads.
hey thanks for the kind words!
i always have my kids with me on the slopes, and dont have much time to "poke around".
In a few more years, they'll be showing you the pow stashes.

It will save you time, but you'll have to put up with some abuse for being the "geezer". (My 12 year old niece kicked my butt on a run this past summer, so I now know the feeling. My excuse is that she ran in a national XC final, but I didn't think she'd leave me in the dust so soon.)
TLine doesn't care, as long as you don't huck the pumphouse. Whatever happened to that guy....?
yeah, whatever happened to him? I know there was that bit of controversy with the patrollers at TL watching his postings on here and busting him in the act.