To all you weather buffs out there...
January 10, 2008
Anybody have any good news as in LOTS OF SNOW for the vally for the weekend of Jan 19th and 20th?
Company has a trip planned for CV on the 20th. Just wondering if its going to be something worth getting excited for, or another day of mid station down...1 run over and over again...
Well, you know how unreliable forecasts this far out can be - especially with percip. But since you asked, the long range forecast I'm looking at shows below normal temps with light snow on the 18th and 19th.
Probably more impactful to your trip is that the temperature trend would seem to allow snowmaking at night from this Friday all through next week.
Remember, take it all with a big grain of salt!

Thats what i wanted to hear. At least a little strand of hope. Kinda crazy i was out on the ATV yesterday in a sleeveless shirt and now planning on skiing next week. Weird weather we have in these
Had the top off my TC for the afternoon on Tuesday. Could've had it off yesterday, and with the forcast could do it again tomorrow

before I head to the WV Alpps. Hope it's a little cooler there.
kwill - TC? As in MG-TC?? Pictures, please!
Hate to disappoint you... Chrysler TC by Maserati

Ahhh.....just a little newer, but definitely still a rare bird!
Oooh, the TC was the hotness in its day. That would be a fun car to have. How's it holding up?
It's been a real "work" car. Most parts are easy to find, a few aren't. It's a fun car to drive. It has the 3L and can really run and loves mountain roads. 28mpg as well. I got around 75k miles on her. It is a west coast car that I bought from a guy in SLC and had shipped back. It's a 91 and looks like the yellow one here . I have it on the market if anyone is interested.
If the most recent models runs are correct you should be excited. Very cold and very snowy, from Friday until the foreseeable future.
Thanks Jonjon...I really hate it when folks hijack a thread...if i'm buffed & like weather..does that make me a weather buff?..If so , I better start working out!