Won't be long now!
December 2, 2007
Massanutten has started making snow! According to their website, they are making snow on the beginner runs, the terrain parks, and on Diamond Jim. Now, if this colder weather actually arrives like some of the weather forecasts I've seen is suggesting, may be making some turns by next weekend!
Getting stoked (as well as the fact that I've already booked and paid for a trip to Steamboat, CO for the first week of February!)
Bryce is making snow, too... They project opening Dec 8.
(my CO trip is Presidents' Day week, but I'm headed to VT for the weekend between xmas and New Year's)
Whitetail's web site has announced snowmaking starting tonight. The lights are on and aside from a silly weather.com current temp of 48 degrees, it looks like Whitetail will be starting snowmaking by 2am. With snowmaking weather forecasted at night through most of next week my bet is on a 12/7 opening.
hmm - the webcams are showing no snow this morning. Hopefully they made some up top. Ah well, tomorrow night is the next forecasted opportunity. It won't be long now.
I guess this means I better go dig out my skis and stuff and get them ready. I have a feeling I'll be making some turns within the next week or two. Over Christmas, I'll be visiting my younger brother and his family up in Uniontown, PA, so that means I have every intention of trying to make it out to Seven Springs, if not that, at least at Wisp!
They will be able to make a ton more next week. Only problem is that most of that snow they made will be gone after tonight's rain but they should have no problem with opening next weekend
Official word from Liberty is that they are shooting for a December 7 (Friday) opening date. The forecast from Accuweather is for cold enough nights that cover should be sufficient for up to four nights of snowmaking before that date. Liberty needs just over three cold nights to open. Targeted trails for the Friday opening include the beginner area, Dipsy, Terrain Park AND Heavenly on the backside. From there the forecast stays cold at night with just one hiccup the following week. If the pattern holds, Liberty might just have nearly all terrain open by Christmas - woo HOO!!
Oh, and the "safe skiing/riding" initiative started last year is going to continue in earnest. Feedback from efforts last year was phenomenally positive. More than that, accident rates were among the lowest in recent memory. That doesn't mean experts won't be challenged - you'll still have the three double blacks on the backside, but it does mean you'll need to mind your manners. Not a bad thing at all if you really think about it.
That's great news. Hope to be there on Saturday, and to see the rest of you there!