The Timberline Resort Realty that is advertising on DCSki right now is the same one that has been advertising here since 2004. Here is my understanding of what happened: Originally, Timberline Resort Realty, brokered by Pat Herlan, had an association with Timberline Resort. However, recently, Dr. Reichle (owner of Timberline) decided to form his own real estate office and bring it "in house," with Kim Landis serving as the broker. The original Timberline Resort Realty has moved to a new location (and has a new logo) but is still in operation.
So there is a "new" Timberline Four Seasons Realty associated with the resort. The original Timberline Resort Realty continues to be in operation with the same staff (independent of the new effort), except it is no longer associated with the resort and has changed locations.
Hmm... Does that clear it up? I may only be confusing things further.

Here's a cheat sheet:
(1) Timberline Resort Realty, Inc. (
- Brokered by Pat Herlan
- Originally had association with Timberline Resort, but now a standalone operation
- Same staff, but new location in the Blackwater Center
- Advertiser on DCSki since 2004
(2) Timberline Four Seasons Realty (
- A real estate office formed by Dr. Reichle
- Brokered by Kim Landis
- Associated with the resort
I am not sure if Timberline Four Seasons Realty existed prior to this or was just created. I also don't know any details behind these changes. Again, this is my understanding of what happened.