Worst ski season yet for me...
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March 6, 2007
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
1,547 posts
I just thought I'd drop in a post here regarding the current status of my snowboarding season thus far. So far out of all of the years since 2001 when I first took lessons on a board, this has been the worst season yet. Even in my first year of having taken lessons and going with friends, I went at least 3 times that first year. With each consecutive year being more and more trips until I hit 13 or so last year.

This year however has been the complete opposite. I've only managed to go twice. Both times to Wisp, both quick get up and go's by myself. The first time was during that first cold spout in December and then finally the second time the last week in January (again at Wisp) after the resorts started blowing like mad. Since then I've found myself at the mercy of my customers working on numerous IT projects and rarely ever having time to just get away for a day. I think the killer has been for me, no one else wanting to go... or worse, everyone else having moved away that I used to go riding with.

It just seems like I'm burned out and almost bored from driving 2 hours, riding for 3 hours, then getting bored of not having anyone to hang out with, get hyped up over the snow conditions with, or discussing snow in general. Thus I have turned around and went home after a dozen or less runs, a bite to eat and back sometimes as the sun is setting. Has anyone else ever had this "burnout" before? What did you do to get around it? It almost feels like heresy saying it... but I'm anxious to play a group sport like softball and basketball as spring arrives.
March 6, 2007
Member since 11/22/1999 🔗
317 posts
BAWalker - sorry to hear about your poor season. I started out the same way, but came around. How? Skiing buddies! You just need to get some riding buddies. Seriously. One of the reasons I joined Patrol was to have a crew of folks to ski with. Now, whenever I head to Liberty to free ski (even if completely on my own heading up), I know that I'll have buds to ski with. The folks on my regular shift also get together outside of Liberty and we ski at other areas (see my trip report on Wisp) and hang in the off season.

It helps to have others sharing the passion so that when you lose motivation, they can remind you of why you love the sport in the first place. You don't necessarily have to put in the time commitment to become a patroller, but next season consider participating in new ways. Be a (gulp!) instructor or see if you can join as a mountain safety person or courtesy staff. Heck, join a ski club to meet like minded folks! There are a number of ways to get involved. In the meantime, get out there and ride! Talk to folks on the lift. The ski areas are full of people (for now!). Get out there while the weather is good (for snow sports) and there are deals to be had.
March 6, 2007
Member since 12/19/2002 🔗
998 posts

Skiing on your own is good but skiing with good people is even better. And you need to find a way to get out more than 2 times a season, if you can. There are still a few good weeks left ski them well and keep hope alive.
March 7, 2007
Member since 02/3/2007 🔗
2 posts
I totally agree with you. The action here in the east is quite boring. I hit Blue Knob a few weeks back for the first time in ten years. After about two hours and ten or so runs, my companions and I were bored out of our minds. We left. After skiing out west, it is very difficult to come back east. I just plain refuse to do it back here anymore. Luckily for me I will be leaving for Grand Targhee/ Jackson Hole next week, followed by a weekend at Ajax. That will be enough to make my season, and last me till the next.
March 7, 2007
Member since 09/16/2006 🔗
66 posts
Sounds like a touch of Spring fever brought on by a # of things...The 1st thing you need to do is get rid of or stash that stupid Board you ride...You need to grow up & put on a pair of Ski's!! That will perk up your interest real Quick. Another thing is additude & persistence.If the fish arn't biting at a particular spot you just don't pack it up & head in..you Move on to another location & then Bammm!Forget wisp(for now) Head to TL with SKI'S & learn to rip those slopes up...Enjoy the Different type of folks you meet on the way back up...Don't Quit Untill your POOPED...The extra times up the lift gives you more time to find that Snowbunny your looking for.Look for Damsels in distress & put on the Charm! When your Done skiing Head to TL Pub & Have a few Cold Ones...There are regulars that frequent the place & you will soon get to know them. By Skiing The Canaan Area you will find a lot of folks that cruise right by your home & you could set up a couple carpools. There have been a few DC get togethers...did you attend? I for one love to ski by myself...me & the MTN. But after skiing,That is when i would entertain meeting some Dc ski folks...but thats just me....There are freinds around every corner..keep your chin up Buddy! ...PS if it makes you feel any better (Misery loves company)I lost some Sleep last nite worrying about a fellow human bieng with the Winter Blues...Get off the Blues & get on the Blacks!
March 7, 2007
Member since 09/16/2006 🔗
66 posts
pagamony - DCSki Supporter 
March 7, 2007
Member since 02/23/2005 🔗
928 posts
^For me, skiing is not just about mainlining every slope. There is always something to work on - I should carve tighter and skid less, I could choose harder lines, hit bigger jumps, handle ice chunk moguls. Off the slope, I could tune my gear better, work on my muscle control. I could even enjoy the scenery more, visit more places. I want to spend more time on XC gear which I love, maybe learn telemark. I've been out west, even a few weeks ago, but that has not really dimished the experience here. It's all about attitude.

For bawalker, I agree that always going alone can get old. I actually gave up skiing for several years until my kids got old enough to show interest, which I have found is a common pattern. Maybe you just need a boarding girlfriend
March 7, 2007
Member since 12/8/2001 🔗
792 posts
Don't sweat it. Any time I head out on my own I look at it as a time for me to hit what I want and work on the things I want to do. This season I've had the opportunity to go riding on my own a few times and to be honest it's been great. I've had time to really work on my park skills. The 35ft tables that used to scare the bejaysus out of me are now just a matter of course and hella fun. So far this season I've upped my rail and box riding. So far I've gotten myself a rainbow, battleship, flat down flat, butter box hell I've come real close to gapping some 15' boxes.

If you want people to ride with see if there are any snowboarding groups in your area on www.meetup.com It's a good resource to meet like minded people in fact I have a snowboarders happy hour tonight in Arlington.

You're just in a funk. Sometimes it happens and you wonder what the f you're doing. You just need 1 good day to snap you out of it. Ignore fishnski, stick with the board just work on going faster and bigger.
March 7, 2007
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
1,547 posts
It's actually all about what Jim said. I'm not actually bored with the snow, slopes or conditions, but rather bored just doing it by myself. I'm a people person. I don't have a spouse or gf to go along and in fact most women I know have never been to the slopes or don't like cold weather (see why I'm single? heh) But rather it all boils down to the fact that a lot of guys I used to ride with in years past are all starting to get married, jet 9-5 jobs, and they themselves don't board as much either.

Just to give an instance, last year a guy that I ride with IM'd me around 2:00pm that afternoon about taking 50 right upto Wisp. I raced around got all of my stuff togther (doing all of this happily and with anticipation just to go), met him down at Rt 50, piled in and was at Wisp before 5. I paid his gas only after we nearly ran out in Oakland and just had a blast. Yesterday when I asked him about going today during the snow he was like "Na, roads are probably too dangerous and I need to get other things done". Then the guys that used to live up the road from me... married off and in college.

It just is a different world for me to get ready in a flash when someone else or others are going vs going myself even when there is an epic day.

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