Norsk, since u brought up the whales

, I didn't make it to the Drop or OTW until Sunday. I skied into the drop and stopped on top of the first one to get my bearings and considered taking off my skis and walking back out

. Those things were HUGE, maybe 30' high on the sides. Tried to ski the whales instead of the line down the right side and the hard snow just wore me out; one run and done.
OTOH, Went over to OTW w/K&Mwillg6 for a couple of runs and those whales were ready to be attacked, soft, carveable, easy to ski at speed; 2nd time down i turned right when i should've turned left, booted out, slid almost to the bottom, real clinic on how not to self arrest. kwillg6 can give you the details, i was too busy to watch

. I'm not sure what the plan is for the drop but the whales on off the wall were a blast.
Jimmy, Were you on tele skis on Friday?
Saturday, spent the day w/Mrs. Jimmy on Dew Drop and Twister; she thought i was kidding when i told her she might have to stop and wait for me!