Help with Go/No Go to Snowshoe Jan 3 - 8? Plz?
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DCSki Sponsor: Canaan Valley Resort
December 26, 2006
Member since 12/26/2006 🔗
1 posts
Hi all. Plz advise on weather conditions/forecast for Snowshoe. Things look very iffy, depending on which forecast to believe. It looks like they may have a couple nights of snowmaking followed by a couple of warm days and maybe even rain before we arrive next Thursday (January 4). I think we lose our whole deposit, regardless if we reschedule or cancel (Silvercreek 2br = $450). We've been there trying to ski in the rain on grass before, and its not good. Need input from from experienced Showshoe skiers. 5 boys will be very sad if we don't go, and we wouldn't want to cancel if it turns out to be skiable/ridable. Thoughts?
Thanks in advance.
December 26, 2006
Member since 04/11/2006 🔗
555 posts
That's a tricky question this far out, but if it were me, and based on what I see on Accuweather now, I would go. Right now, they are showing sunshine for when you are there with about 5 goods nights to make snow - including lows in the low 20s on 1/1-3.

Of course, all of that could change, so you'll have to make your own call, but if it holds, it should be no worse than Spring conditions on the slopes while you're there.

December 26, 2006
Member since 09/16/2006 🔗
66 posts
Nws is calling for snow starting new years eve on thru to wed the 3rd...You worried about the kids or yourself?..Its Snowshoe...GOOOOOOOOOO!...Hope it don't rain thur!
December 27, 2006
Member since 03/11/2004 🔗
144 posts
When conditions seem iffy at SS, they always exceed expectations. The man made base holds up remarkably well through rain, warms spells, etc. It is impossible to forecast the weather there two weeks in advance. All they need is a couple cold nights to get into mid-season form. GO...
December 27, 2006
Member since 09/18/2006 🔗
29 posts
Just spent week at Snowshoe (Dec 20-26) with 4 kids. Ski early in the morning. Silver Creek conditions better and had empty runs. Despite rain, they maintained slopes. When they make snow, they MAKE lots and groom all slopes. Get out early to enjoy the runs. I would go! Last week conditions were horrible and we still found fine runs. Green runs become difficult at end of day (moguls form), that's when I'd head to Silver Creek. There's plenty to do if conditions stink. Big Top (bungy jumping/mountain climbing/video games) pools, movies, etc. Go and have fun. I was impressed with how the slopes were maintained despite horrible rain, sleet and warm temps!
December 27, 2006
Member since 12/11/2003 🔗
56 posts
It is a definite go. I just got back from snowshoe today and let me tell you yesterday was a transformation. we arrived and the only snow on the mountain was on open runs. You rode the chairflifts over muddy fields. Today it was phenomenal. the new snow really lifted your spirits. All the bare spots were patched up....they have had the guns on for about 30 hours in a row as of right now. I unfortunately had to leave today, but there will be snow when you arrive on the 3rd. also, that is a great time to go as crowds are usually minimal just after the holidays...have a great trip!

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