Fire at Timberline
January 19, 2006
A friend of mine who lives in Davis told me in an e-mail today that there was a fire at Timberline on Monday - (jan 16th) Apparently someone torched the ski rental room. It's being investigated but they say it was pretty obviously arson.
Wondered if anyone had any additional info.
From the Elkins paper:
Fire Breaks Out at Timberline Resort
Blaze in Rental Shop Prompts Arson ProbeBy JULIEANNE COOPER, Staff Writer
The Canaan Valley Volunteer Fire Department responded to a fire early Monday morning at Timberline Four Seasons Resort along with local law enforcement officials. The blaze is believed to be arson related and has prompted an investigation by the West Virginia State Police.
According to CVFD assistant chief Robert Porter, employees in the cafeteria reported seeing and smelling smoke around 5:30 a.m. They along with a security guard were able to locate and quickly extinguish the flames in the ski rental area, then called the fire department for assistance.
Porter said the fire department arrived around 6 a.m. and made sure the fire was completely out. He said the majority of items burned were several pair of ski boots and the rack where they were sitting.
"When we got there, it was already out," he said. "Some of the people who put it out showed me that arson was the probable culprit. There was an accelerant used."
Porter said once it's determined probable arson, the area must be roped off to avoid contamination and to "keep people out." He said after roping off the area he called dispatch who then contacted the state police and the state fire marshal's office.
Timberline's President Tom Blanzy said, "We've been in business for 20 years and have never had anything like this happen. I don't know why they did it or who did it. It just doesn't make any sense."
Blanzy said several pair of ski boots were destroyed in the blaze totaling in excess of $5,000. He said resort officials are concerned over the incident, but the fire did not "affect our operation" as business continued as usual on Monday.
He said the West Virginia State Police are still investigating the incident, but was not sure if the police have any possible suspects.
"Hopefully we'll have some positive results," Blanzy said. "We hope we find the person or persons involved."
I was up there with a group that day and almost all of them rented. They started renting at 9 o'clock and didn't have any sort of problems. T-Line must have done an excellent job of handling the situation because this is the first I or anyone from the group has heard of the event.
Blanzy said several pair of ski boots were destroyed in the blaze totaling in excess of $5,000.
Man, Tline must rent some nice boots! 
Must be going to make a claim! Anything less wouldn't be worth it!.......How many of you wished that it burned to the ground?..New lodge...good time for a new lift?