... the death of racing in the mid-atlantic?
March 5, 2007
I noticed something this year especially after speaking to Ed Fowler of the Ski Dome ski club.... looks like, except for the ASRA circuit, club racing in the mid-atlantic is dying? I notice that the Fagowee's site has not even any news at all nor even a President's message, nothing from the ISSA that took over the WSI circuit from Sam Mantis, and the Columbia team's pages have not had a picture update since 2003-2004 .... what a shame I liked the brash and braggard atmosphere of the old club racing. Oh well ...
Lance Bravard - I liked our rivalry! Just like Creech and Chappell in D.H Racer!
Dave Monroe - I'll never be like you, Zen race guru ....
Gary Whitemore - Thanks for all the races, your my hero ...
Furman Marshall - I hope to be just like you when I grow up.
The Burfords - Great memories, eh? And Jo Ellen I really miss watching you limber up ! You husband would have probably shot me if he knew my thoughts while observing you.
And most of all I miss the excuse of wearing a speed suit swaggering and getting attention from the ladies (and a few guys) in the lodges before the race ... and wearing the make-shift slings and figure-8s the ski patrol made for me after the race when I would crash.
I also like getting the Fastest Time of The Day award too so I can have an excuse to get plastered.
And of course thanks Ed Fowler for recruting me and giving me lots of speed wax. I'll be in your stable any time.
I did a year on the Ski Liberty Race Team in 1984. I was great fun, and although I wasn't any good, it made me a good skier which I had not been before. In mid 40s I was too old to ski with abandon but I did learn how to make turns where I had to rather than where I wanted to.
Tomorrow I am headed for VT where my 2 older grandsons, 9 and 6, are going to show me their racer turns. They live in Burlington and are in the Jr. program at Mad River. The 3 yr. old is going to show me how he can ski without his tip lock. So it begins.

It's not what it used to be, that's for sure. At one time, there used to be a hundred racers for mid-atlantic events such a the govenor's cup races. There are very active junior programs at most mountains, but the cost of racing and going to races has taken the sport out of the realm of affordability for most. I was a race dad and got to learn a lot about the sport by going, being there, working races, tuning skis, buying race equipment, etc... I even jumped into the gates on occasion. Wasn't very good, but usually finished the race. Which reminds me... the WV Governor's Cup is this weekend at Timberline. GS on Saturday, Slalom on Sunday. It's open to anybody who can ski and there are age divisions so old farts like me compete against other old farts

There are pretty active junior teams at most mid-Atlantic resorts, so at least the kids get a chance to race... even growing up in Virginia!
Wintergreen does hold "Double Cross" races (sponsored by Freestyle) three times a year, which include kids as young as 6 and adults up to age 50. Well, they'll take any age, but that was the age spread in the race last weekend, I think. It's totally different from slalom or GS of course, but everyone seems to have a ton of fun. My kids have raced twice this season and loved it.
I will be up at MRG on Saturday, hopefully skiing a bunch of fresh. Will you be skiing at MRG over the weekend? Let me know and we'll do a run or two together.
We're driving up to Burlington on Friday. Hope to ski MRG on Saturday, Jay on Sunday, and Stowe on Monday. Hopefully, the storm will be all snow.
Sorry, I left on Wed. eve. at 6 so I didn't get this. Skied MRG on Sun. and it was great. I'll post report separately.