brewing storm
December 6, 2005
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Initial forecasts for the storm tonight and tomorrow show the heaviest precip along the Blue Ridge front. Blacksburg is forecast for 5-10 inches, but as you head west that drops. Mountains of NC are looking at up to a foot. If this track holds, we'll probably hear a story or two about the Great Smokies getting some significant snowfall.
The best part? Temps are supposed to hold in the mid 30s with lows in the teens all week. If we get snow here in B-burg, it's likely to stay around for a while! That doesn't happen a lot here.

Oh, and even better... if the Blue Ridge front is going to get the heaviest amounts, up around DC that means Liberty, Roundtop, and Whitetail are going to get hammered. Looks like y'all will be getting some fresh pow tracks in close to home tomorrow!
Well, we were going to get hammered but latest reports show storm heading out to sea. E.VA, DE, NJ, SW.MD will get a decent dump; anything north of the MD/VA border will be in the 1-3" range. But ... lots of cold is due in the region for the next 8-10 days and this much better because the MidA resorts depends on their snow guns not natural snow. I expect Liberty and Whitetail to have 75-80% of their runs open by next weekend.
Hate to bust everybodys bubble, but we have had freezing rain and rain all night...Temps about 34 or 35 degrees here...Hopefully CV and TL got all snow, but the weather was forecasting freezing rain...
Id say they were at least 5-7 degrees colder than i was here though, so they might have been ok.
Yeah roundtop, liberty, and whitetail will most def not get hammered. the storm is projected to move further south and east. however, everyone knows how these storms go, we never know the exact path of the storm until it starts to form and move up the coast. in the best case senario i can see the snowtime resorts getting around 6 inches...
Kris...they are talking about monday through tuseday
IMHO the best Whitetail could possibly do by Saturday is 13/19 trails open (68%). Fanciful, Snow Dancer, Limelight, Bold Decision, Far Side and Fall Mount can not be opened until "second pass" snowmaking weather. It would take over 100 inches of natural snow to possibly open these runs without snowmaking. The first time it looked they were going to blow limelight instead of home run. The snow report now has snowmaking on home run and none on limelight. To my knowledge Whitetail has never opened with Expert terrain open. Dropping off Ridge Runner, Drop In and Exhibition would make it 50% open (10/19).
Oh man how I'd love to be wrong on this one.
Yeah, they're saying upslope on the Blue Ridge. The big winner might just be Wintergreen. What will they do with all that powder? Perhaps I should go help them with it on Wednesday (darn paper is due on Tuesday)...

With all the upgrades in snowmaking at Liberty and Whitetail, the natural stuff is really not necessary. Heck, sometimes it gets in the way by creating hazardous road conditions to even get up there! But it sure is pretty to look at. Me, I'm counting on hearing Doug Hill's cheery voice saying "We dodged a bullet!" Man, do I really hate that stupid phrase - not everyone in DC hates snow Doug!!
, sometimes it gets in the way by creating hazardous road conditions to even get up there!
Since when is this a bad thing? 
I am eagerly awaiting this storm. A snow (ski) day would be nice.
Happy Birthday!!


Happy Birthday!!

Hope you get a snow day for u B Day
Here in Blacksburg the storm hasn't been living up to the hype but there is snow falling. Check out the pic below from the cam on Poor Mtn. (outside of Roanoke) It's an updating image but at 12:43 on Monday it's pretty white.
Click here, couldn't embed the image for some reason.
Yes, our brewing snowstorm might be pulling a Hokie on us.

Happy Birthday!!

Hope you get a snow day for u B Day
Thanks, Warren!
hmmmm, this darn storm needs to kick up the intensity a bit if I am gonna get my snow day!
Yeah, they're saying upslope on the Blue Ridge. The big winner might just be Wintergreen. What will they do with all that powder? Perhaps I should go help them with it on Wednesday (darn paper is due on Tuesday)...
Wintergreen stands to get 6-8" out of this, but it won't be powder, at least not at first. I would expect some heavy wet snow today, and maybe lighter snow overnight tonight. I'm aiming for Thursday myself, to give them more time to make snow and open new trails. This is a great snowmaking week for mid-A resorts.
this darn storm needs to kick up the intensity a bit if I am gonna get my snow day!
its picking up here in fairfax. car windshields covered now. and grass is starting to get white. it will be fun on 66 this afternoon.
Yes, our brewing snowstorm might be pulling a Hokie on us.
Oh man, that's just wrong. Are you referring to their not showing up against Miami at home a few weeks ago, their not showing up against FSU on Saturday, or their showing up but getting beaten by a freak force of nature against my Blue Devils last night?
This storm is basically a tease, but lookout!!!!
The weather weenies are honking and woofing for a BIG DOG this weekend. Friday forecast models show a major mid-atlantic storm coming behind this little duster.
Well thats what this storm was supposed to be over that little duster saturday

I get biggest bust of december for this board. Highest amount forecasted was 10-14". Most said 4-8". Id be in heaven now if I could get 4".
2". Upslope snow squalls is all we have left

At least itll hit 18 tonight. Gonna blow my own blizzard.
Are you Powderhound21 on easternuswx? I am Winterman...sorry for the off topic
Looks like now that the storm has settled Blacksburg cleared with a disappointing- but very beautiful- 2 1/2 inches of snow. We've been getting light lake effect snow this morning, so that bodes well for Mountain Lake and points to our north and west (ie- Snowshoe and CV).
As disappointed as I am that we don't have cross-country-skiing-deep snow, this week hasn't been too bad. The town lit up the Christmas tree on the 1st, we had out annual parade the next day, and now we have a layer of snow and a 20 degree windchill that feels and looks just like December ought to. It's really hard to be miserable this time of year, so I don't bother trying.

Oh man how I'd love to be wrong on this one.
T'sok even so, I can practice the Bushwacker Move 
Are you Powderhound21 on easternuswx? I am Winterman...sorry for the off topic
Yep. Powderhound21. The only Snowmaker on there from Covington,VA 
Looks like now that the storm has settled Blacksburg cleared with a disappointing- but very beautiful- 2 1/2 inches of snow. We've been getting light lake effect snow this morning, so that bodes well for Mountain Lake and points to our north and west (ie- Snowshoe and CV).
As disappointed as I am that we don't have cross-country-skiing-deep snow, this week hasn't been too bad. The town lit up the Christmas tree on the 1st, we had out annual parade the next day, and now we have a layer of snow and a 20 degree windchill that feels and looks just like December ought to. It's really hard to be miserable this time of year, so I don't bother trying.
Yeah, Its pretty hard for me to get depressed this time of year, especially since I'll stay below freezing until Saturday 
About to fire her up soon. 33 now. Goodbye above freezing temps. 17 tonight here, I expect a 15-25" base by saturday open T2B