Gas Calculator for Long Ski Trips from DC Area
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November 21, 2005
Member since 06/29/2004 🔗
53 posts
Are you planning a long drive for your next ski trip? Perhaps this gas calculator will help.
November 21, 2005
Member since 05/10/2005 🔗
124 posts

Are you planning a long drive for your next ski trip? Perhaps this gas calculator will help.

Rule #1, dont believe ANYTHING you read off of Hunter mtns website, except what time the gweedo parties start and an estimation of how many 10's of thousands of nyers and huge haired nj girls are going to be on the slopes. I would rather slide down a hill im my own feces than go there.
November 21, 2005
Member since 01/25/2002 🔗
316 posts
Hunter is decent MIDWEEK. On the weekend tho, it gets pretty "hairy" hawhawhawhawhawhaw
November 21, 2005
Member since 08/26/2005 🔗
113 posts
Hey dude,

I'm an Midwestern Irish Italian guy who resents the "Gweedo/Guido" remark.
November 21, 2005
Member since 01/17/2005 🔗
422 posts
Whitetail and Liberty have gas calculators for some of the resorts popular with DC skiers.

I did a quick check from Frederick. They are pretty close to what my perception of the mileage is.
November 21, 2005
Member since 06/29/2004 🔗
53 posts


Are you planning a long drive for your next ski trip? Perhaps this gas calculator will help.

Rule #1, dont believe ANYTHING you read off of Hunter mtns website, except what time the gweedo parties start and an estimation of how many 10's of thousands of nyers and huge haired nj girls are going to be on the slopes. I would rather slide down a hill im my own feces than go there.

Hey POWPOW anybody ever tell you that you got a real nasty attitude problem. Hunter is trying real hard to keep nasty attitudes like yours out of town. Friendly word of advice, do your kid a favor and have a more positive out look on life. More smile and less

Rule#1 don't pick fights on the internet. There a real waste of time.
November 22, 2005
Member since 05/10/2005 🔗
124 posts

Hey POWPOW anybody ever tell you that you got a real nasty attitude problem. Hunter is trying real hard to keep nasty attitudes like yours out of town. Friendly word of advice, do your kid a favor and have a more positive out look on life. More smile and less

Rule#1 don't pick fights on the internet. There a real waste of time.

First of all I was not saying that in meaness but in jest. If anyone on this board has read any of my posts they know that i am always taking things on the light side. However that said i joke about EVERYTHING and some of that might will be offensive to some people. SORRY. im not a pc suckup!

That being said I think Stereotypes are funny.

Every resort or region has jokes about them in the ski industry that i was a part of and i still use those in describing certain areas or types of people that go there.

Jay peak is great except when its filled with "poutine eating french frogs" sorry to the french!

Colorado sucks when "ten gallon gapers" come from texas. Sorry to texans.

If you said man ill bet that powpow and jimmy have to move the washing machine out of the way on the front porch to get to thier skis, and ask thier sisters, i mean wives if thay can go skiing. I wouldnt get offended, id lean to the side, spit my tobbacco juice and laugh!

And yes hunter mountain is a joke of stereotypes. If i said tell what resort you would most likely hear this phrase "Yo Rocco, Tonys chain is frozen to his chest!" Hunter would for sure be in the mix.
And sorry to say this might offend alot here but alot of the locals i know in CV, the shoe, and especially wintergreen say they cant stand it when the place is loaded down with the "beltway gaper patrol".
Come on does that mean everyone here is a gaper, no.
does it mean everyone at hunter is a gweedo, no.
does everone skiing in colorada from tx, no.
Am i a redneck, well no answer.

i will say i should have made it more clear of joking i just figured most knew the way i joked.

As far as making statements as to how i teach my kid, you pulled from one or two sentences a totally incorrect description of me. However please dont be offended when my daughter (who is 6 and rips all bd's and jumps in the terrain park) looks down at you from the lift this winter, shakes her head, and says "theres another beltway gaper, dad" HA
johnfmh - DCSki Columnist
November 22, 2005
Member since 07/18/2001 🔗
1,991 posts
Why is gas even an issue now that it costs an average of $2.14 a gallon in WV?
pagamony - DCSki Supporter 
November 22, 2005
Member since 02/23/2005 🔗
928 posts
it read like a joke to me.

to be honest, catskill, i think you open yourself up for that when you post blatent advertising in a noncommercial message forum.
November 22, 2005
Member since 06/29/2004 🔗
53 posts
Obviously I was offended by POWPOW's statement.

I don't like to Stereotype folks. I try to look at everyone as a unique individual. Stereotypes are not all that funny. I like sitting down with total strangers from South Africa or Stuttgart Germany at an outside bar on the slopes of St Anton. After about 3 beers you learn a lot about folks. The hard part is skiing down the mountain after the beers. Have I stereotyped people and made fun of them? Sure I have. I just don't make a habit of it and I don't do it with people I have never met. You, see I grew up in the Catskills Mountains, my father grew up in the Catskills, my grandfather grew up in the Catskills, my great grandfather grew up in the Catskills, and my great great grandfather grew up in the Catskills. I am damn proud of it. Yes, your comments did offend me.

As for the advertisement comment. It's not the cost of the gas that is going to hurt our grandchildren. Its the CO2 stupid. At least that is what I remind my self every morning. You see, I got this single page print out in my office that I have to walk by every morning that has a lot of graphs and data on it. I use to think our grand children are going to run out of fossil fuel and be in big trouble. Now I realize I was wrong. Its the C02 stupid.

Maybe I am the one that has to laugh more. Peace and may the powder be deep this year.
November 22, 2005
Member since 12/3/2004 🔗
339 posts
"Yo Rocco, Tonys chain is frozen to his chest!"

LMAO, hilarious.

Reminds me of a few years back when in the Islands. We were in Turks & Caicos walking down the beach to go snorkeling. A NY family, straight out of Brooklyn was on the beach. The son, probably 16 years old pops up out of the water yelling in the thickest of NY accents "F*&%in' Ma! Look at 'dees f*&%in' fish heyah" I'll remember that forever I just stood there and busted out laughing.
Denis - DCSki Supporter 
November 22, 2005
Member since 07/12/2004 🔗
2,344 posts
Just before dropping into a chute at Squaw I heard a guy say. "I don' care what Vinnie says, Huntah ain't got nuttin' like dis."
November 30, 2005
Member since 12/25/2002 🔗
183 posts
My favorite stereotype fulfilled was a middle-aged (which I am now-except for the woman part) American woman in Moscow shopping.
A market hustler told her his Matreshka dolls (those nesting dolls) cost $15. He was speaking in a thick Russian accent.
So she says to him, "No, I want all the dolls, not just the big one."

Without a pause he says to her, "For you a special price. Only $25."

I bit of haggling and she could have gotten the whole set for under $10, but she forked over the cash.


PS Catskills needs to mellow out a bit. I kinda thought the posts werefunny and I went to those dens of political correctness Brown AND Berkeley.

Ski and Tell

Snowcat got your tongue?

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