Ski Patrol
September 15, 2005
I'm a really great skier (yes, I'm gloating) and I've always thought ski patrol was kind of cool. I have some first-aid experience, but not a whole lot.
I've been looking forward to being able to join the ski patrol for quite some time now, and I'm hoping to join a patrol towards the end of this season or the beginning of next.
Unfortunately, being underage, I realize that legally I am sort of a risk, but I know that some patrols have junior programs for minors.
Anyway, I was wondering if the patrols at any of my local ski areas (Hidden Valley, Laurel Mountain, Seven Springs, or Boyce Park) have a junior program or even just a lowered age requirement?
Looking around at the different web sites, I've learned that Hidden Valley, the mountain at which I spend most of my time requires patrollers to be 18, but none of the other local patrol's web sites list a specific age requirement. I'd gladly go somewhere else (particularly Laurel Mountain, if they ever open again) next winter if it meant getting to join a patrol.
I figure there has to be at least a dozen or so patrollers among the membership here who might be able to shed some light on the topic for me...
So, does your patrol have any high-school aged members?
OT-hey by any chance do i know you? This is Josh one of the ski instructors at HV.
We do take patrollers under 18 at Seven Springs. PM me for more inoformation.
Sam, clean out your Epic mailbox! PM's are bouncing back cuz it's full.
JCHobbes - none of the closer Snowtime resorts (Liberty, Whitetail, Roundtop) have junior programs at this time. At one time, Liberty did have one, but that was for only a single season through a Boy Scout troop.
Your best bet is probably an area with a junior program like 7springs. The other option is that some patrols will consider taking candidates at age 17. Since training lasts a little under a year, if you turn 18 by the time the next full season rolls around, some patrols will accept underage candidates. BTW - the minimum requirement for most National Ski Patrol affiliated patrols is 18.
Good luck.
Well, if you really are such a great skier, you should become an instructor!

Well, if you really are such a great skier, you should become an instructor!
I'm not perfect. I have tons of room to improve. Why aren't I a ski instructor? I discovered after teaching many of my friends how to ski that I just wouldn't have the patience to teach someone other than a close friend.
And Josh, no, I definately don't know you. I know and occasionally hang out with a couple of the patrollers at HV but I don't know anyone with the ski school.
You know hofer?
Good luck becoming a patroler, we neec some more good ones at HV.
Just wanted to pass some info on to you! If you are seriously interested in patrolling, go and complete an online application (under JOIN tab). As far as age goes i know LM has quite a few candidates that are under the age of 18, although the Patrol usually has a "ski-off" to asses potential patrollers ability level on skis.. As far as first aid goes, a requirement for the NSP is completion of an OEC course, which is usually scheduled through your local patrol. If you have any further questions please PM me and I will try to be of assistance.