Can you feel it?
July 2, 2008
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Can you feel it getting cooler? I just checked the local weather almanac and today is hottest day of the year (on average). It gets nothing but cooler from here on out.

Should be snowing any day now.
It is snowing!!! Just way up in the atmosphere.
The Colonel
All I can say with how hot it's been lately is: thank goodness. We got some snow on April 24th back in Blacksburg and Murph and I took a gander up to White Rocks- what I wouldn't give for a 30 knot wind blasting sleet and snow into my face right now. Sigh...

I was at Busch Gardens yesterday and rode the Alpehgeist. I just pretended I was schussing down a mountain.
I'm worse ... I dragged out last few issues of Ski last night and reread them. And worst of all; we went to Ski Center yesterday to put dibs in for a new pair of 5 Stars for Shadow since this crop is the last before Volkl turns Chinese. I intend to get a new pair of Volkls too, just love my little carvers.
Winter is coming!!!
Snowcone, Good idea, the shopping therapy.

i've been reduced to dropping down to see what threads "anonymous user/s" been reading and going into the archives. Already wore out back issues of ski, ready to start on powder mag.
Murphy, you ever tried cloud skiing? It'll help get you thru the 2nd 1/2 of the unseason!
Ah, now that we've turned the corner and the averages are starting to drop, it's going to be... 99 in DC by Tuesday and 96 in Blacksburg tomorrow (the record there for the date is 92. there's nothing more depressing than seeing a forecasted high that is several degrees above the record). I took a business trip down to Baton Rouge a week ago and it was the same temp there as it is in DC- but because it was a business trip, I kept the AC set to 65 degrees at night (instead of the usual 72-75). It actually felt comfortable in the morning.
And that's what I've been reduced to. Going to hotels and cranking the AC way down. Fall can't come too soon...

You'll have to explain cloud skiing to me. Don't think I've tried it.
I did lay out the runs on Moonshine Mtn. while playing in the sandbox with my daughters. That's gotta count for something. Do I qualify as pathetic? (Rhetorical question, please don't answer that)
At least you didn't actually draw the ski maps in jpeg format like some losers...

That would be absurd...particularly if I went through multiple revisions.
Yeah, what kind of idiot would do that?!? The only thing even more moronic would be to make a powerpoint presentation out of the whole thing.
Ok Murphy, Cloud skiing very similar to playing in the sand box w/ ur girls, only w/o the sand box and the girls.

Best way to procede is ice some beverages, find a nice shady spot and if there's some clouds, look at them....drink a beverage...look at'll start to see trails, ways down the mountain....Chutes, mogul runs....Do i qualify as pathetic? (Rhetorical Question, Please do not answer

I saw a commercial that looked interesting the other day...There was a group of guys with the back of their pickup truck loaded with ice...they made a slope on the sidewalk leading up to a hand rail and made a landing below it...they pushed each other down the ramp on snowboards and they grinded the rail and laned ever so gently in the nice bed of you knew of a place to get a lot of ice real fast....that might be worth the trouble to get a few turns in....especially if i could use the 30 ft vertical behind my see...i need to have a lift though...I got it...Id have the ol lady drive the 4 wheeler up the hill and drop me off and come and get me and do it
If anybody wants a trail map of my huge 30 ft vert let me know...Im sure i could create a powerpoint presentation too...5$ a head to try it
Id be rich ...especially on these 90 degree plus days...
OK, I knw it's not the same, but don't they do something called grass skiing over at Bryce? At least it's downhill, and involves some speed.
I spent the weekend at my cottage near 7 Springs. The overnight low Sat night/Sun morning was 53 degrees. It was up to 83 by the time I left at 3:30 Sunday afternoon- but it sure did feel refreshing to step outsiede and feel a chill in the air.
Yeah saturday morning was chilly to stayed overnight after the Blowfish concert.
Spent the weekend in Canaan - low 60's Saturday AM, topped out around 75 in the afternoon. Sunday was sweeter - 53 degrees well into the morning (I went mountain biking in a long-sleeved jersey) again topping out somewhere in the mid-70s. Very low humidity both days. Returned to mid-90s and heat advisories here in NVA! I'm looking forward to August - we camped out at Red Creek last year over the first weekend in August and temps got down in the low 40s. You just cannot beat that cool mountain air!
Hey Murphy, today is halfway day, halfway thru the unseason

. Played golf Sunday, hit the best 4 iron shot..maybe the best golf shot ive ever hit. Lined er up about 5' to right of pin, new when i hit it it was perfect...ended up pin high, 4' to the right of the hole. I'll REMEMBER that shot, but i can't FEEL it anymore.........April 3 Timberline, i remember my best line of the season, Fresh snow, whitelightning over the first steep, making turns looking for the line.....uhoh there's the whitegrass boys....good they stopped to wait for someone...untracked...feel the turn...the line is straight down the hill, making turns tho, not too fast not too slo, snow cloud at my knees, people watching from fire road, I can still FEEL it, it "makes us feel the best".
Glad to hear you're getting out and hittin' some. I spend all summer waiting for winter. Then November comes and I complain that I didn't play more golf of fish. Gotta get out there more often.
At least you didn't actually draw the ski maps in jpeg format like some losers...
So, you been holding out on us? mebbe shearer will host them on ski shots dot com
The option was either a) draw ski areas in .jpeg and drink while doing so or b) do my homework. Unless a paper is due next week, ski doodling is gonna win anytime. Heaven forbid I ever learn AutoCad and get a 24x36 scanner. I'd see about as much daylight as the unabomber at that point and probably be just as loony.
Just got back from canaan valley & the cool mtn breezes felt WONDERFULL!! They are having a warm summer like everyone else...but their warm is a high just shy of 80 yesterday & 78 the day before.With lows of 55 & 56 & the highs taking a long time to reach & quickly retreating in the afternoon! I doubt the high even went over the mid 70's up in the shade of the forest of blackwater falls. After heat indexes of 119 in se nc last week it felt sweet indeed.Mount porte crayon was looking good standing bold & proud waiting patiently for man to bring it to life....Git er done!!!! West va will always be lame untill "ALMOST HEAVEN" is built!!
Let me re word this..."West Virginia will always be good but never great untill "Almost Heaven" is built.
This might be grasping at straws, but when I walked out to my truck at the usual time this morning, the air didn't feel weighted and heated like it does in July. It actually felt... comfortable.

Given that we're in the middle of another heat wave, that can't be a bad thing, no? I think it has something to do with the days getting shorter: it just doesn't get as hot by seven in the morning in August as it does in July.
Well, I like your way of thinking

I have noticed that even though it's still getting hot, the mornings have been MUCH cooler. Let's ALL start thinking cool thoughts and soon enough, those snow dances


Pft, warren get with the program. I'm already doing the snowmoonwalk.

Hmmmm... I wouldn't say they've been *much* cooler, but that's just a matter of opinion. I just remember some mornings in July going out on the back porch and wanting nothing more than to crawl into a hole and hibernate. Today I could actually envision having a cup o'Joe out there (until about seven thirty or so).
Snow in DC by Oct 1!

Hrm, wasn't it last August I started counting every leaf that fell in our yard figuring up when autumn had officially started? Oh wait it was last August! It's just about time for me to start giving daily reports of the leaves changing up here in the mountains weeks before they change down in the DC way.

I've got leaves falling in my yard, but I'm afraid it's Dutch Elm disease.
......... the mornings have been MUCH cooler. Let's ALL start thinking cool thoughts and soon enough, those snow dances 
Warren, has Roy got one fer u. No dancing involved.....Just have to play a harp and drink beer w/allison and elvis costello........Yup, this augustiner be gettin better
Sounds good to me...
Just have to play a harp and drink beer w/allison and elvis costello
That's slightly backwards but it might work also. I'll try anything right about now. Last night I dreamed I was driving back from New York State in a Nor'easter. Waking up was such a disappointment.
This morning driving into work, I was thinking about snow and ice on a steep narrow badly-cambered uphill curve connecting Chain Bridge with Military Highway in VA ... and -not- looking forward to driving it this winter. This section always seems to be the last treated and plowed and can be a real bear in bad weather.
Winter must be coming if I am thinking about driving in white stuff! Four months down and four to go!
I've seen a number of signs that winter is almost here.
1. I'm getting Fall catelogs in the mail.
2. At work, people are starting to put in their vacation requests for hunting season.
3. I've started to check on airline flights for trips this winter.
4. I've checked the Fairfax County School calender to see when the kids have off this winter for Teacher work days, President's day, spring break, etc.
5. Last week, out of the blue, my son asked me if we could ski 7 Springs this year. Do you think he's looking forward to ski season?
6. I've started to check to see what the hi-lo temps are for the mountains of WV.
3280 CANAAN VLY 0.00 56 84 52
4765 SNOWSHOE 0.00 66 76 65
High of 84 and a low of 52. Sure beats the high of 96 degrees and the 80 degrees for a low we have here in DC.
That 84 degrees, if right is the hottest temp reported so far this summer. That is hotter than it has been in a number of years! Hot summer....but the high of 84 or any high up in the valley is only a very short lived high.It takes a while to reach that peak & drops off pretty fast in the evening.
Dropped my kid a Wintergreen today for dryland training. The race team is definitely getting pumped. Temp at the top this evening was 77 degrees. Not snowmaking weather yet, but ......
Walked the top of a few runs at The Highlands, looking at the bottom longingly, but it'll be four more months before I see that bottom lift tower up close. Just enough time to get on the bike.
I have watched Warren Miller's "RIDE" dvd at least twice a week since June and checked out airfare rates to Chile...

Winter's Coming!!!
Yes, we did hit 84.1 degrees yesterday here in Davis, which is the highest temperature in the two years that I have lived here and kept track. My site for weather conditions in Davis is now up and running, but only the temperature, humidity etc. is accurate -- ignore the wind and rain information (no it hasn't rained 219.00 this year!!). The weather station is located in Davis at the Meyer House Bed & Breakfast, and it gives you current conditions, daily, yearly and monthly highs and lows. Elevation 3105, approximately 9 miles north of the Canaan Valley NWS weather observer, so it should give you a good idea of the temperatures in the valley (our highs and lows pretty closely mirror that of the valleys observations) its helpful!!
Did it actually get below 60? Heck- did it actually get below 70???? I've forgotten what that feels like...

Don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, but the water temperature in the Chesapeake Bay- and this is BEFORE the latest two day 100 degree heat wave we just had- was 81 degrees near Annapolis. Probably a little warmer than that now. That's extremely warm for the Bay and is an awful lot of energy trapped in that water. Could delay the onset of autumn a week or even two when the cool weather finally tries to move in. It's certainly keeping the lows near the Bay awfully warm. In this cooler (89 instead of 99) weather we're having, you can feel it warm up as you approach the Bay in the evenings.
On the other hand, it could lead to some pretty dramatic temperature disparities in September at night. Still, the water temperature is pretty discouraging for breaking this dang heat wave.
The water temperatures of the Great Lakes, especially Lake Erie, are very high this summer also. I hope this leads to excessive lake enhanced snow this winter for the WV/MD/PA mountains!!
Get an early artic front & watch the bay effect snow on kent Island!! PS...5.1 pound Black drum caught on my snoopy rod as i was trying to catch some bait fish for my crab pots yesterday!....Grillin till it starts chillin!!
All this talk of cooler temps....makes me thirsty

Usually, I start by looking at the temps in Fairbanks Alaska. When they start falling I get ready for the snow. It's just too early in the 2nd half to tell the score. Hey Jimmy, have you hiked the new trail at t-line? There should be some super glade skiing off piste.

Hey Kim, haven't been back since i saw u last. Was planning a trip over Labor Day, but we may be going to 7 springs for the BBKing thing instead. Need to make a trip b/4 snow flies

to check it out.
Shadow, heard you're getting new 5*, curious how you settled on those?
Just wondering- after it gets below say -25, does one even care anymore? -103 on Saturday night, that will be almost a mirror image of our high that day. Perhaps this is like that Star Trek episode where the crew meets their evil twins from another galaxy. Volstok is the evil twin of DC! Or are WE the evil twin of Volstok???? Hmmmmm...
Dont know how much you guys believe in the Farmers Almanac...but they are predicting an unusually cool fall comming up...Maybe have snow by Halloween...(hey i can dream cant I)...
It's coming! It's coming!
How do I know?
Yesterday's snail mail included a notice from Deer Valley to sign up for my lessons [yeah right! did it once, never again, what a waste of money .. our local instructors are -way- better] ... and the 1st email of the season from Ski Liberty touting their new website [very nicely done] and the coming season. Now all I need is this season's buyers guides for Ski and it's ilk and winter is SURE to follow!
PLUS ....
I lurk on a weather site ... ... that has all sorts of commentary on current and coming weather phenomena.
One of the more interesting points in a sidebar on the very warm summer we are having is that the waters temperatures of the Great Lakes are near record highs. Now, boys and girls, what do warmer Lakes water temps translate to? ...
Yup ... more of that lake effect snow that covers our slopes and makes our lives wonderful. Thus, there is a better than average potential for increase snow for the upper MidA this winter.
What's not to like?
I predict that fall will be than summer. The days will be shorter and the leaves more colorful. Look for migratory birds to start heading south too.
And I can say right now on August 10th that I stand firmly behind those predictions. I'll release my winter predictions in a couple months...

Just wondering- after it gets below say -25, does one even care anymore?
Absolutely! Once you hit -50 below, things get pretty interesting. Fuel (Heating) oil jells, and won't flow. Propane stops boiling, and electrical lines contract and get brittle, tending to break. These all add up to no heat unless you have a wood stove.
I can't speak to what happens as you get even colder .....
Colder than -25????? Been there done that and it's very hard to get skiis to slide without some serious vertical. It's too cold at those temps for the friction to cause melting under the skiis. It all depends upon the snow temp as well. This actually happened one day when I was a ski instruct at the shoe. Terrible day for beginners!

Notice they don't show an average or normal temp for that location.Be nice to see the temps normal or below down south, So as to lesson the global warming fears.
Yeah where are the buyer's guides? Don't they normally come out in July?
Yeah where are the buyer's guides? Don't they normally come out in July?
OOOHH I can feel it now. Wifey & I met for the blues fest after work, beer was warm, music was HOT, got home and checked the mail, Powder's 06 gear guide is in my hands, my "catch of the day" 
Yeah where are the buyer's guides? Don't they normally come out in July?
OOOHH I can feel it now. Wifey & I met for the blues fest after work, beer was warm, music was HOT, got home and checked the mail, Powder's 06 gear guide is in my hands, my "catch of the day"
Yupp! My Ski Buyers' Guide came today. I'm not really shopping, but I'm halfway through it already.
If spring arrives from the south, doesn't logic suggest that winter arrives from the north, this from
vermont "Hi everybody, this is Charles from Ski Vermont warning you that the following will either make you feel really good (I hope) or really bad: I woke up this morning, let the dog out, stepped outside and I could see my breath. It was 39 degrees! Steam was rising from the nearby pond, birds' songs were noticeably quieter, the dew on the grass seemed slightly more still, clinging motionless to the blades. Could it be, summer is nearly over? Personally, I'm not quite ready for winter, but make no mistake, our t-shirt and shorts-wearing days are numbered."
Can you feel it now?
......... Hey Jimmy, have you hiked the new trail at t-line? There should be some super glade skiing off piste.
Hey Kim, Took the red eye down to cv w/paul Friday nite, toured around a bit saturday morning, checked out downtown davis
....nice ride out camp 70....back to tl for lunch and to watch the races. Anyway, we walked the top of the new trail, sure wish somebody'd give it a name, down to where it separates from UDD......poked around in the woods above the entrance and the trees btwn UDD and new're right theres fruit to be had. Those trees should be full of volunteer snow
. A lot of folks have been focusd on the lower part of the trail which we didn't see yesterday, but the top looks like a really nice cruiser!
If spring arrives from the south, doesn't logic suggest that winter arrives from the north, this from vermont
"Hi everybody, this is Charles from Ski Vermont warning you that the following will either make you feel really good (I hope) or really bad: I woke up this morning, let the dog out, stepped outside and I could see my breath. It was 39 degrees! Steam was rising from the nearby pond, birds' songs were noticeably quieter, the dew on the grass seemed slightly more still, clinging motionless to the blades. Could it be, summer is nearly over? Personally, I'm not quite ready for winter, but make no mistake, our t-shirt and shorts-wearing days are numbered."
Can you feel it now?
42 degrees this morning in Canaan. It's moving further south. 
65*F In Wardensville at 11pm with 0 humidity. Heck I even had to roll my windows up while driving on the closed sections of corridor h cause it was getting chilly.
61 this morning (5:30) in Germantown. The dogs were dancing all over the place with the cooler weather. These last few weeks they have been just dragging with Radar our greyhound really suffering from the heat. It was so nice this morning that Shadow and I seriously considered taking a 'mental health' day but that would take a day away from skiing which is a no-no with fall almost here!!! Wohoo, 3 months till T-day!!
Spent the weekend at the cottage (near 7 Springs). I was surprised that even at the relatively modest elevation of 2100 feet some of the leaves are just beginning to turn color, and some are even falling. Some of the maples are dropping leaves sure is nice to see.
I think that is the drought

. We have trees near my house in glassport that are brown(glassport 15miles south of PGH).
That thought crossed my mind, although the water conditions in Somerset county have not been as severe as in some of the lower-elevation counties. I have family in the Mt. Pleasant/Connellsville area, and it's noticeably drier there than it is up in the mountains.
In any case it sure is nice to see some hint of Fall, even if it is because of the drought.
Murphy, this thing has legs, what a great thread!
Couldn't help myself, went cloud skiing again Saturday evening. Took awhile but i saw a greystreak down the middle of some nice white clouds........cupp run, ski patrol at the cross over.....sign warning of ice, hazardous one getting off the lift.....i tightened up my helmet, off we go!
Jimmy, I tried a little cloud skiing last night, caught an edge and.....

Well one or two beers later, the skiing became much better.

Since we are over half way through the so called "un-season" I am going to head to the valley this weekend and work on my off season tune-up on the boards. I do believe that The leaves start a'changing right about now over there, and it always is fun to get stoked for the first turns in December. After all, football season officially begins this weekend!

Jimmy, I tried a little cloud skiing last night, caught an edge and.....
Well one or two beers later, the skiing became much better.
Kim, I'm sorry, maybe i didn't explain this clearly, cloud skiing more fun, easier to enjoy, i guess u figured it out yourself tho, drink the beer first
. Another cloud skier!
Had an overnight low of 36 in Burkes Garden and 34 in Canaan. I bet we had our first frost!
First freeze is right around the corner and then the first snow!

The New River has been fogging up somethin' fierce the last four mornings. There's a lot of energy pouring out of that water right now. Fog was all the way up to campus today- hadn't reached past where I live before that, and the first day it only got about halfway up the valley. We've been in the upper 40s two or three times now here in B-burg; not frigid but a very, very, very welcome change from the mid-60s lows that have predominated this summer.
Looks like we're heading back to lows around 60 but the forecasts have been on the warm side by 5 degrees this week, so I'm hoping that trend continues.

Snow by Nov 1!!!

It was even down to 49 in Rappahannock County this AM. Only put my windows down half way on the way to work!!!
I'm really starting to feel it too.
It got down to 36.5 here in Davis last night, but I didn't get up in time to see if there was any patchy frost. Funny how we had our coldest night after the warmest day we had this week. We got up to 74 during the day yesterday, whereas we never made it out of the 60s the previous several days, and our lows were in the upper 30s or low 40s.
DING DING DING (c) Crush, 2005.

So what's the weather bin like down there in top 10 Davis, WV? Can u feel it now?
I felt it once, but the woman turned around a maced me.
The weather has been warm by our standards -- the leaves are falling fast though, but a couple weeks late. There were a couple days a week and a half ago where the color was the most spectacular I've ever seen but it has faded since the rain.
Highs yesterday in the mid 50s. I'm very optimistic about the winter, like snowcone I'm a regular on easternuswx and December is going to be rockin (only about 45 days away).
And now that Davis has been recognized as cool we charge a toll at the town limits so be prepared when coming thru -- lol.
Hey jonjon, was watching bridge day ysty in between cutting grass, what i saw seemed the leaves were either green or gone.
That toll to get into Downtown Davis isn't so bad as long as they don't put in any traffic lights.
Oh,Man. First it was Thomas and now Davis??? I wonder how much ir cost the town council to have their town rated so high.

Best way to procede is ice some beverages, find a nice shady spot and if there's some clouds, look at them....drink a beverage...look at'll start to see trails, ways down the mountain....Chutes, mogul runs...
Bout time for some of this

Gonna get some of my favorite summer beer and make a few runs.

.e'very da-ay, e'very wa-ay-hey, no-body-else-will-do ...
yeah .....
Speaking of warm weather, I spent 2 weeks working/staying in Charleston, SC. It was routinely already over 101* with the 80% higher humidity each and every day to the point that going outside to breathe during the midafternoon was ill advised. Now I'm back in WV with it being like 57* outside right now. Talk about change.
Ya Kim as Crush said, thanks for bumping this back up. Lot's of posters we havent herd from in quite a while. I's feeling a bit down lately i can hardly afford gas for my mower, lbottza cannot get his eggs and i'm afraid i may have to take the train to canaan, the train in canaan runs mainly in the plane, next season but the cloud skiing has been very very good lately.
Monday I Tromanoed sum IPA, cleaned out the gutters and wen i finished did a bit of cloud skiing. Found a couple of nice moguled chutes to work on my SR turns and finished up great big bowl, ripping GS turns all the way down. Snow was kindof springlike, a bit wet and heavy but the cover was great, it was a bit too warm to wear my helmet but i found my gloves helped to insulate the IPA bottle and keep it cold.
Speaking of hot, I just got back from my summer job in South Beach, FL.
Man was it hot. Oh and the weather was pretty hot also.