100 (or (101) days of skiing
April 14, 2005
Woah! At my g/f's suggestion I counted up all the ski days so far I did .. we try to save all the lift tickets we use plus we can get info from The Canyon's season pass office ... today was my 100 (or 101 .. a ticket gone missing ... should have been on feb 25 but I can't find it)...
Here is how it broke down ...
80 at The Canyons on my pass and 5 when I had to buy a pass (but one may be missing), 8 at Deer Valley, 3 at Brighton, 1 at Park City Mountain, 1 at Robert Reford's place Sundance, 1 at Solitude and 1 at Snowbasin.
I can't believe it ... tomorrow I have my last day at The Canyons as everything closes ... but after that the rumor is Snowbird will stay open thru June maybe make it to July .... it's not over yet bases at ~180" ..... :-)
Crush, 100(101) days, WHAT A SLACKER

. You and Mary are going to have it (the no snoblues) bad after Snowbird closes. Don't worry about the missing ticket, chances are some DCSkiers was probably w/you that day who could vouch for 2/25. Keep us posted, Ski season isn't over until they turn the lifts off

I made it out to 10 days of skiing. 6 in Utah.
10 is clearly not enough
lol jimmy i think p.j. from dc ski put it best " you
f@(ker!" i know i know but it is so boring here what else do i have to do but ski
You live the life. I could use a little more boredom, especially if it meant I could get 80(or 81) more days a season.
I got 20 days in this year which is about average for me.
I feel very blessed to have been able ski at all this year, as I almost died in a mountain bike accident last September. I spent two weeks bed/lazboy ridden and spent many months rehabbing my leg. I really didn't get my ski legs until March. My most memorable day this season was my first day on the slopes with my wife and two of my four kids. This includes a number of knee deep plus powder days. The snow conditions didn't really matter to me, I was just glad to be on the slopes with my wife and kids.
Crush, Next year shoot for 100 days, because you never know when you might not be around or able to ski. So F___ work and go ski.
BTW - If you were wondering how you could die from a leg injury, I fell on an 18" long, 1" diameter stick (pungo). The stick entered the backside of my thigh above the knee and tried to come out in my groin. It pinched and nearly severed the main artery in my leg. I was lucky, but sh__ does happen. The surgeon who removed the stick took some pictures of the stick still in my leg. If anyone is interested in seeing them, send me a PM. The pictures are not bloody, just surreal. A picture is worth a thousand words.
I feel so sorry for you.

Only 101 days this season.

Anyway, I managed to get in 28 this year

14 - Snowshoe
2 - Tline/Canaan
2 - Whitetail
3 - Utah
7 - Whistler/Blackcomb (and yes, they had snow when we were there!)