As Jim K noted, though, expect crowds. In addition to the Spring break college crowd, there are several conferences that schedule around that time (including mine). Also, fair weather skiers are usually out since the weather is usually pretty sunny and nice with good snow.
Depending upon what you are looking for, I would not rule out the first week of April. I've skied Colorado (Vail, Beaver Creek) around April 5 during a very poor snow year, and the mid- and upper-mountain bases were still fantastic. The last 200 foot or so of vertical was definitely slushy with plenty of bare spots, but most of the better terrain is normally much higher up. This better terrain includes plenty of groomed intermediate cruisers. The crowds are definitely much smaller around the very end of March/beginning of April. You'll have plenty of elbow room at the mid-mountain restaurants as you're sunning yourself on the deck.
BTW, the week after that April trip, Colorado was socked in by major snows and winter-like temperatures. It's totally the luck of the draw.
One last thing to mention if you are staying in Breck or real close to it. I stayed in the town of Breck for the first time this past winter. I definitely had problems with the altitude during the first day - I've never had that anywhere else, even with total disregard for the standard altitude adjustment precautions. Several other members of my trip had the same problem on that trip. (We were all fine after the first day.) Breck is a little bit higher than Eagle County (Vail, Beaver Creek) and even other parts of Summit County (Copper in particular). That extra bit made a difference for me, so I'd advise a bit of altitude adjustment. (Don't be afraid to drink beer the first day, just drink less of it )