what is your zip code
December 7, 2004
41 posts
37 users
7k+ views
I think it would be fun to get an idea of where we all are in relationship to one another. Who knows your next door neighbor could be a DCSKIEr for all these years without you knowing.
22180 here
16802 when im at school and 15241 at home
Wardensville here... I've yet to meet another Wardensville DCSkier. Not like Wardensville is a hard town to find or anything.

I live in Lake Ridge, VA 22192. I've seen a car with the license plate SKIER90. I wonder if this person is a DC Skier?
22835 Luray,Va in the Shenandoah Valley
20874 ... and we drive a Red Xterra with license plates: SKILIFT.
Usual local haunts are Snowshoe, Liberty, Whitetail, Wisp ... occasionally 7 Springs, BK, Laurel.
The metropolis of Odenton, MD
21403 The Maritime Republic of Eastport (MRE)
school:20057(Georgetown U), home:29464 (Charleston, SC)
22207 at my home of necessity; 26260 at my home of choice.
Let's hear it for the District...
26260 app. 15-25 long weekends spread evenly throughout the year. other than that, it's 21093.
Used to be 21032 (Crownsville) now 24060... HOME OF THE ACC CHAMPS BABY!!!!

For now 20120 (Centreville, VA), use to be 24060 (Paradise, VA)..... Go Hokies.
20817 Look for the ski-shaped tomato stakes.
26386...Good ole Lumberport WV!!
23703 Portsmouth Va. (Norfolk/Va Beach area) Good idea! however, we need something more defining. I was at Snowshoe this Sat. (had a great time getting those first turns) and, as I understand it, L. Ibotta and maybe others were there also, but no way to identify ourselves.

Is there some method (e.g. DCSki pins) that members would like to use to identify ourselves given the off chance some of of us would like to meet up or engage in casual conversation? After all, we, are all communicating on this forum and discussing our thoughts, ideas, gripes, etc. (Thanks DCSki) Maybe we need to take our skiing interests one step further.

Do not mean to hijack the zipcode thread (excellent suggestion!!) but difficult to communicate on the slopes.
Again, just my $.02
15068 - Look for "THK SNO" plate at 7 Springs/Laurel/Wisp
How about wearing blue vests over our coats with the DCSki.com logo on it? Something similiar to red vests with cross that I've seen some ski resort patrollers wear? Ok that might cost a tad too much

I'm the guy in the green 93 explorer with the "Modemnet.net" logo's on it. Ok it's a cheap and shameless business promotion but that IS my vehicle.

23703 Portsmouth Va. (Norfolk/Va Beach area) Good idea! however, we need something more defining. I was at Snowshoe this Sat. (had a great time getting those first turns) and, as I understand it, L. Ibotta and maybe others were there also, but no way to identify ourselves.
Is there some method (e.g. DCSki pins) that members would like to use to identify ourselves given the off chance some of of us would like to meet up or engage in casual conversation? After all, we, are all communicating on this forum and discussing our thoughts, ideas, gripes, etc. (Thanks DCSki) Maybe we need to take our skiing interests one step further.
Do not mean to hijack the zipcode thread (excellent suggestion!!) but difficult to communicate on the slopes.
Again, just my $.02
Hi Doug,
You can purchase some DCSki-themed gear at DCSki's CafePress store:
Unfortunately, CafePress doesn't offer what would be the ideal product: a small DCSki pin. I recently added a rectangular sticker (with a DCSki logo 2 inches tall -- you might have to cut out some of the white space surrounding the logo), which could probably be added to a helmet.
I'll try to look into the possibility of getting DCSki pins made.
- Scott
Scott, 1st, Let me tell you how much I appreciate this web site!
OK, If it is economically possible, a pin, stick-on logo, or another easily recognizable method would be great. I, for one, would purchase any of the above in the interest of sharing local (Mid-Atlantic) skiing adventures, on or off the slopes.

20009 here!
One more for the district!
Norsk: Let's hear it for the District...
Hear Hear (That used ot be my zip - (Glover Park))
One more for the district!
Lets make it another!
22315 - Alexandria, VA (Kingstowne)
Chalk one up for the Commonwealth.
Colonel, I sent you a PM.
22901, in Charlottesville. I guess I'm the 2nd Wintergeen local on this board, that I know of.
main home 20639 Calvert co,MD
cabin near 26836 Moorefield, WV
20009--Main Home, DC
26260--Condo @ Timberline, WV.
20009--Main Home, DC
26260--Condo @ Timberline, WV.
Howdy Neighbor!
20124 (Clifton, Va)
20774 - Upper Marlboro, MD
(Originally from 23701- Portsmouth, Va)
22192 - Woodbridge/Lake RIdge, VA
Originally 15666, Mt Pleasant, PA
22309 in VA and 26241 in WV
43146 Central Ohio. We travel a little farther east than you folks have to travel west to get to 7Springs, Laurel Mtn., and Timberline/Canaan. We also hit Holiday Valley NY which I imagine is quite a jog from DC.