The Fagowees Ski Club Meeting - a Firsthand Report 2
Author thumbnail By Connie Lawn, DCSki Columnist

The Lost Tribe still exists! Fagowees are named after the befuddled Indian tribe that got lost on a mountain and plaintively asked for directions. They are one fun ski, sports, and social club! I was a member in the 60’s and 70’s, and went with them to Blue Knob nearly every weekend during the season. They kept me happy and sane, after difficult early years of job hunting and trying to “find myself” in Washington. I proudly wore the black Fagowee jacket around the world, and had a devil of a time explaining it in Europe!

Off season, there were wild horseback rides and lots of other activities. The Club may be small -; consisting of about 350 members, but they can keep you busy! They try to pretend they are a wild group, but they are no different than anyone else who loves the snow and outdoors. This despite their name. I dropped in at their recent meeting at Bailey’s Pub in Arlington, and was greeted by adorable signs saying, “The Club your Mother warned you about.” But, I must confess -; I do not drink anything stronger than coffee, and I still had a wonderful time on their trips!

The members are some of the brightest people around, and hold down some very important jobs. The beautiful, brainy President, Lisa Vignerot, says “we are professionals, blue collars, military, just about anyone that wants to have fun… we are about safe, good fun.” Fagowees have branched out, and stumbled onto other chapters in Cleveland, Sacramento, and Denver. They also have some Fagowees who met and married through the Club, and now their children are members.

Fagowees founder Dutch Mueller addresses a recent club meeting. Photo provided by Charles Sneiderman.

I am delighted the legendary founders are still there, and still going strong. They include Dutch Mueller and Freed Friedrickson. Many veterans of the local ski scene will remember them, and their infamy lives on in nearly every ski resort they ever visited.

This year they are preparing a trip to one of their favorite jaunts -; Tahoe/ Reno, from March 1-8, 2008. Dutch thinks the trip can go for under a thousand dollars, depending upon the amount of skiing undertaken each day. The trip includes plane fare, discount lifts, rooms at the Peppermill, and buffet dinners/parties each night.

Local trips are also in the works, including two to Ski Liberty in late January. If interested in Fagowees, visit their web site at

We are fortunate to have a number of excellent ski and snowboard clubs in our area, and they enhance our times on the slopes. Check out the clubs closest to you, or consider choosing the one that best suits your style and age group. Skiing and boarding are great, whether alone or with groups. But, I love making new friends anytime I can.

For a listing of local clubs, visit the DCSki Ski Clubs page.

About Connie Lawn

When she wasn't skiing, Connie Lawn covered the White House as a reporter since 1968.

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Reader Comments

October 18, 2007
They make the best ski swap food around!
Bill Steinhour VP DC Fagowees
September 9, 2009
The DC Fagowees is a wonderful group of people in the DC area. We ski, cruise, float, and ride on many Club activities year round. We meet the second Tuesday of every month at the Crystal City Crowne Plaza. Check out for more Club activities.

Reno trip, Ski Liberty, Mediterranean Cruise, and much more are coming up!

Thanks and have a great day!
Mr. Bill VP

Ski and Tell

Snowcat got your tongue?

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