Kings Mountain

Kings Mountain, Pennsylvania

Now the site of cross country ski trails, downhill skiing was reportedly offered at some point in the past at Kings Mountain, Pennsylvania. At this time we have no additional details about the area.

Reader Comments

Bill Kircher
October 17, 2009
Your comments now the site of cross country ski trails indicate Kings Mt was located where Laurel Ridge State Park off RT653 exists. Kings Mt. Village is just down the "hill" from this state park. There is a huge man made lake at the bottom of the hill that could have been meant for snow making. I have yet to come across any photos of a downhill ski area at this location.
Richard Edward McCormick
February 10, 2010
King's Mountain was operated in-part at one time in the 1980s by my uncle's family. The immediate area boasts geodesic dome, A-frame, and other unique frame style homes which complemented the surrounding mountain forest-scape.
I fondly remember visits to the mountain to visit my cousins, aunt, and uncle. The lodge was superb and we spent countless hours enjoying the snow activities ranging from cross-country nordic and alpine skiing, tobogganning, to snowmobiling.
I am told that the township in which it is located is/was a dry township and as such, no alcohol could be sold on-site lending to a host of financial problems for any resort.
There may still be a nice executive 9-hole golf course in operation which was at one point hit and disected by a tornado.

Richard Edward McCormick
formerly of Greensburg, Pennsylvania;
currently of Fletcher, Vermont.
Bill Kircher
March 29, 2010
Kings Mountain sits between the Laurel Ridge State Park Nordic Ski center (Rt653) and the older Camp Soles Ski center which was located off Barton Church Rd. Camp Soles is no more than 3 miles away from Kings Mt and is operated by the YMCA of McKeesport. Kings Moutain still has the 9 hour golf course, small A-frame houses but very little media attention. There remains no visible evidence of downhill skiing at this location.
Bob Beals
November 10, 2010
The 9 hole golf course still exists and is in fine shape...pretty much the same for the past 45 - 50 years. Other than buildng a new clubhouse (20 years ago), reconfiguring the holes, and putting in poorly constructed white and red tee boxes it is pretty much the same from day one. There has never been an official "ski area" at Kings Mountain. The only "downhill" skiing that may have occured would have been someone trying to ski through ungroomed snow down the hill on 3, 4, or 5 (most likely). I tried it once...not worth the effort. Snowmobile rides back up the hill were fun though.

Ski and Tell

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