Catch of the Day - Big Sky Tram
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JimK - DCSki Columnist
October 12, 2004
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
2,987 posts
Dizzying photo of the 15 passenger summit tram built in 1996 at Big Sky Resort, MT. In three minutes it rises 1,450 vertical feet on a cable slung up the mountain with "no visible means of support". From 11,150' Lone Peak snowriders can enjoy 360 degree views and descents of nearly 4,000 continuous vertical feet covering extreme delights such as Castro's Shoulder and The Big Couloir.
Here are some more details on the tram from the Big Sky website:
October 14, 2004
Member since 12/12/2000 🔗
274 posts
i have skied the tram at big sky. it was unreal.
DCSki Sponsor: Canaan Valley Resort

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