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DCSki Sponsor: Canaan Valley Resort
Roger Z
January 16, 2004
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
Well, after posting as an unregistered user for several months, I took the plunge and signed up. I think my e-mail address and some other basic info will be available to fellow users but if not let me know and I'd be happy to provide them.

Very brief background: I once had dreams of becoming a ski area manager until I actually worked for a ski area. It reminded me of sausage: nice to eat, not so nice to make. I've since worked in various consulting positions for business and somehow got involved in the energy trading world. After working for two bankrupt companies, I am hoping to go to grad school in the fall at Virginia Tech for a degree in regional planning, with a focus on rural planning and/or natural resource management. I am a ski bum by background but am also into hiking and am hoping to get into fishing if I get down to the Blacksburg area. All I really want is to live in a small town, live out west for a while and retire back to this area-- Annapolis or the Appalachians, I haven't decided yet.

This is a good community with a good collection of message boards and I'm glad to be joining!

January 17, 2004
Would say welcome to the club,but i can't.Always like reading your post & wish you the best of luck buddy!

Ski and Tell

Snowcat got your tongue?

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