MPC/ Almost Heaven / Tory Mt / etc
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August 21, 2014
Member since 09/9/2013 🔗
230 posts

Hi All,

I discovered this site a few years ago while searching for info on lost ski areas in WV.  I think I have read everything on this site posted about Tory Mountain, Almost Heaven and The Laurel Creek Club.  I haven't seen much talk about these "planned" ski areas lately.  That probably means all development is dead on these projects.  Does anyone have any new info on these projects?  It would be sweet to see a new resort open some day.

It is summer time, and everyone is speculating.  I figured this could be more fun than talking about the zip lines.

I've always wondered if anyone has ever poached Tory or Laurel Creek.  I really wonder how over grown the trails are.  It looks like it on google maps they are still cut.  But I have no clue how old the images are.  Link if anyone is curious.



August 21, 2014
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
2,444 posts

MPC....Build it!   (but please do NOT disturb the statue!) 

August 21, 2014
Member since 02/10/2004 🔗
1,696 posts
Gold star for anyone who has been around here long enough to get that reference.
August 22, 2014
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
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August 22, 2014
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
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wgo wrote:

Gold star for anyone who has been around here long enough to get that reference.


August 22, 2014
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
2,074 posts

Nothing quite like that statue....  It's in the front yard of the Bonner Mountain Hotel and Conference Center.


August 22, 2014
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
2,074 posts

AndyGene wrote:

Hi All,

I discovered this site a few years ago while searching for info on lost ski areas in WV.  I think I have read everything on this site posted about Tory Mountain, Almost Heaven and The Laurel Creek Club.  I haven't seen much talk about these "planned" ski areas lately.  That probably means all development is dead on these projects.  Does anyone have any new info on these projects?  It would be sweet to see a new resort open some day.

It is summer time, and everyone is speculating.  I figured this could be more fun than talking about the zip lines.

I've always wondered if anyone has ever poached Tory or Laurel Creek.  I really wonder how over grown the trails are.  It looks like it on google maps they are still cut.  But I have no clue how old the images are.  Link if anyone is curious.

In all seriousness... I have not driven past the site of the  Laural Creek Area in over 20 years.  I drive past Tory a lot and it's pretty much grown over in the last 20 years.  Check Whitegrass for a video of Morgan Chase hitting some big drops on MPC.  




August 22, 2014 (edited August 22, 2014)
Member since 07/12/2004 🔗
2,352 posts

MPC is one of those places I really wanted to do but alas, I moved to CA and it will probably never happen.  The Chase boys and other Whitegrassers do it on occasion and I know how to get there.  But it's a long and committing excursion.  A backcountry group is no stronger than its slowest weakest member.  I'm past 70 now and never did have the fitness of Chip and his cohorts anyway.  So I have had 2 choices, put the group, including myself, at increased risk, or go slow alone, letting someone know where and when to expect my return.  The latter choice was almost always the one taken and it ruled out a trip as committing as MPC.  WV may not be the equal of the Presidential Range of NH for brutal winter weather, but it should not be underestimated either.  I have had the occasional bolt of fear go through me when alone, a good distance out there, when wind picks up, cold penetrates, and snow intensifies.  

IMHO MPC should remain untouched by lifts or other development.  It should remain a shining goal for those with the skills, fitness, commitment, and respect for the environment.  Sadly, I had only 3 out of 4.  So be it.  That's my position and none of you can argue me out of it.

August 23, 2014
Member since 01/3/2013 🔗
3 posts

Skied 2 days in a row at MPC last year from the top to the forks.  First day was a solo mission 2 big laps, second day more leisurely with four times as many people. Not as much snow as the videos have shown and not enough to huck the big drops but awesome Pow skiing everywhere. We skied right though some poor guys camp really high up on the mountain, he had snowshoed in a LONG ways from the hardtop at red creek for solitude.  We crushed his dreams by leaving trenches around his tent while he was inside, like ghosts in the wind.  The place is off the hook.  Saw a couple of other ski tracks in there but no skiers.  Hope we get the winter they are calling for to explore some more.  Cheers.

August 23, 2014
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
2,444 posts

PowSlayer wrote:

Skied 2 days in a row at MPC last year from the top to the forks.  First day was a solo mission 2 big laps, second day more leisurely with four times as many people. Not as much snow as the videos have shown and not enough to huck the big drops but awesome Pow skiing everywhere. We skied right though some poor guys camp really high up on the mountain, he had snowshoed in a LONG ways from the hardtop at red creek for solitude.  We crushed his dreams by leaving trenches around his tent while he was inside, like ghosts in the wind.  The place is off the hook.  Saw a couple of other ski tracks in there but no skiers.  Hope we get the winter they are calling for to explore some more.  Cheers.

Video or it didn't happen!

August 28, 2014
Member since 11/24/2009 🔗
646 posts

David wrote:


Video or it didn't happen!

August 28, 2014
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts


August 28, 2014
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
3,530 posts
Even though I recognize the view. It cant be...I have been edgamacated thru endless dcski posts that that mountain. Cannot hold snow due to winds.. And there wouldnt be any water around for snowmaking even if u tried.. This mountain needs to be left alone to join the rest of the millions of acres of wilderness so it can vedge for eternity...We wouldnt want to ruin the awesome hunting for the owners god...I can count 20 deer on my property on any given eve at the base of the mt...think what might be up there!!!...Lets keep that land and mt wild and wonderful...and extremly safe...wouldnt want any really wild animals up there...would spoil the hunting!....I could go on forever but typing on a Sphone and not being able to ck out the content sucks... im really glad this mountain is being saved for the 13 folks that use it every just happy to ski my 750 to 1000 vert in the valley...unpadded slow lifts are a small price to pay for keeping. mount Porte Crayon and the Roaring Plains.....LAME FOR FRIGGIN EVER!#!!!!.....long live the WV. Tamerness....Tame n wonderful!!!
August 29, 2014 (edited August 29, 2014)
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
3,530 posts
I was just having a flashback there...ole school fun! Actually the owner of the top half of the Mtn has died and his wife sold half of the mountain to a nature Conservancy which in turn will transfer the land to the fed and it will become Nat forest...quote..." for the most experienced hikers and bushwhackers to enjoy" Great!... They did find the fossilized bones of an ELK up there in a cave... Oh well....was a nice dream at one time....I could just see that sky blue Gondola with puffy white clouds and the words "Almost Heaven" on the sides as it chugged up 2000 plus feet of vert........oh well......
August 29, 2014
Member since 09/9/2013 🔗
230 posts


That's a long way to hike with a board on your back.  How long of a trek do you have to take to get up the mountain from the road?  Pretty cool video.  I also watched one where the Chase gang were skiing on frozen waterfalls.  It was pretty awesome.  One day I hope to have the fitness and skill required to tackle the mountain.

chaga wrote:

David wrote:


Video or it didn't happen!


August 29, 2014
Member since 01/3/2013 🔗
3 posts

Here are a couple of pics of our trip last year,  no video, too busy climbing and skiing.   this is probably a starting point level of snow to ski in there in my opinion.  

Just wondering, how many people here have actually skied dowm from the top?   



Ski and Tell

Snowcat got your tongue?

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