How's the snow at the Shoe?
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DCSki Sponsor: Canaan Valley Resort
February 25, 2001
I'm heading for S.Shoe on Thursday March 1 for 4 days. Their website has been saying that they have had "lose frozen granular" almost all season. I find this hard to believe given the great snowfall we have had this year and the cold temeratures. Even the local joints like RTop, Lib. Elk, and Montage have had lots of packed powder this year, though lots of it is man made. Has anybody been out to S.Shoe in the last few days to tell me what it is really like? Thanks in advance for your info.
lbotta - DCSki Supporter 
February 26, 2001
Member since 10/18/1999 🔗
1,535 posts
I just came back from spending the weekend there after a month's absence in New England. Conditions were great but yes, they were groomed frozen granular with powder on top. Unfortunately they had morning rain on Sunday so they will have to work at firing the snow guns to supplement the natural snow in the slopes forecasted for this week. However, the base is indeed deep, although the extremely heavy traffic areas such as the loooong green trails to and from Widowmaker have shown some thin patches.

Overall, the place has some great conditions for Mid Atlantic. I do hear that the resort will close for the year at the end of March instead of the previously reported April... We'll see.


February 26, 2001
Ibotta, thanks for the info. Looks like a cold snap is gonna hit the shoe with some flurries later this week...It should be good skiing :-) !!!!!!!!
lbotta - DCSki Supporter 
February 27, 2001
Member since 10/18/1999 🔗
1,535 posts
Just checked the weather forecast. It will be below freezing and with optimum snowmaking weather at the Shoe all this week. Will be there this weekend. Buy you a round at Yodeler's


February 27, 2001
Looks like we are psyched!!!!!! Hope the cold temps weeds out alot of the less stalwart skiers. It will be great to ski that mountain with some good snow. Last year I went the weekend of 3/7. The temp shot up to 50+ with lots of sun...guess you know what that meant...mashed potatoes...everywhere! High 20's are ok if there is low wind. Pullin' in Thursday night! Callin' for snow Wed. Yes!
Thanks for your info.

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