Snowboards for 5 year olds?
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November 20, 2003
We are a family of six who live near Liberty/Whitetail. We have two boys, ages 10 and 9, and five year old twin girls. We want to take up snowboarding this year but are wondering whether the twins will be able to manage it. We can't afford to leave them in the daycare center each day and would like them to be with us.

Does anyone have any experience with little ones and snowboarding? They only weigh about 26lbs. We have no skiiing experience either. What kind of board would you recommend for someone so little? Thanks!

November 21, 2003
Member since 12/8/2001 🔗
792 posts
Your best bet is to rent the first few times out to see if they really like skiing or boarding. Renting may be costly on the day but it's still cheaper than paying a few hundred bucks a pop for a full kit of board boots and bindings. Call the mountain and ask customer service about rentals and lessons for young kids they can probably give you a better idea of whats on offer. I've seen some small boards and boots in stores but I have no idea of what size a 5 year old would ride. Sorry I can't be of more help maybe someone else on the message board can offer more.
November 21, 2003
Member since 12/12/2000 🔗
274 posts
I grew up as a skier, but when i moved to here from Utah a few years ago and saw the local terrain i stashed my skis and learned to snowboard. Last year I taught my then four-year-old daughter (she weighs about 25 pounds) to ski. I never considered snowboarding for her, as I dont think she is near strong enough to pull herself to her feet on the board.

But even the smallest kids can easily learn to ski. We bought the shortest skis we could find at a local ski swap ($10), and found a strap to tie the front points of the two skis together. In an hour or so (at Bryce) she was linking turns, and she could handle the rope tow fine (something I still struggle with on a snowboard).

This year I we will be trying my soon-to-be four-year-old son (about 40 pounds) out on the $10 ski-swap skis. We are excited about hitting the chairs at Whitetail. I figure it will be a few years before we try any snowboarding.

[This message has been edited by Chad (edited 11-21-2003).]

November 21, 2003
I'm with Chad on this. Last season I introduced my daughters (ages 6 and 10 at that point)to skiing (on rental equipment at 7Springs), and they took to it like a fish takes to water. I enrolled the younger of the two in a 1-hour private lesson (the 10-year old was insulted by the idea of lessons) and now she carves the prettiest little turns you've ever seen.....without poles.

I'm not sure that they would have done nearly as well at boarding, at least not as fast as they took to skiing.

November 22, 2003
Member since 11/22/2003 🔗
9 posts
Chad and the group have some great reason for what they are saying. I've skied or riden for 25+ years and have two at home that are 6 and 10. Both have ski and ride. the 10 year old started out on skis the 6 year old on a board. Yet, the best person to answer your question is you. You are the only one that know your kids. But, there is one good rule of thumb to look at. That is at what age will a resort teach your kids to ride. My kids have me to teach them if you do not ride then most resorts start teaching kids to ride around 6-7 years old. I do hope that this well help you.
November 24, 2003
Member since 12/8/2001 🔗
792 posts
I would recommend taking them skiing a few times too just so they get a feel for sliding on snow (and this is coming from a bone deep snowboarder) I think ski gear for kids is much easier to get your hands on than board gear and besides once they learn to be comfortable moving around on snow and if they still want to learn how to ride then they could probably make the transition with more confidence.
November 24, 2003
Member since 09/30/2003 🔗
172 posts
listen to kennedy. many mts (i think liberty inclue) will not offer lessons to anyone under 8 years old. i started my son snowboarding at 5 and he just couldnt grasp it. someone told me that most 5 year olds dont have the needed muscle coordination to master snowbording. i got skis for him and he picked it up right away. the skis were rented from a local shop on a lease program where i got boots and skis for the whole season for like 75 bux, and as his feet grew, i jsut swapped out the boots with a bigger model. now i bought him a 105 santa cruz board and we'll see how he does. i actually hired a friend who is an ex-roundtop instructor to give him 1 on 1 lessons 2x per week for 2 hours each.
November 24, 2003
finsoutoc, Where did you lease boots and skis for the whole season for that kind of price? I'd like to do that for my kids.
November 25, 2003
Member since 09/30/2003 🔗
172 posts
i got them at ed's ski shop in york pa. i think it was 85 bux to be honest. the same rate applies to the leased boards for the groms. if you got to roundtop up I-83, its right off eh highway in york.
November 25, 2003
Liberty does offer snowboard lessons to children ages 6 and 7 - in addition to those 8 and older.

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