Oh, wait - the nearby resorts are closed. Gee, maybe next year.
Wildcat Mountain in New Hampshire got 8 inches of powder yesterday and last night, with more snow predicted on Wednesday; I am heading up to that area on Thursday for some backcountry skiing. Winter isn't over!
Weather Forecast:
Cloudy today with some mixed precipitation. Highs today in the lower
Rain ending tomorrow with highs in the lower 40's. Turning much colder
Thursday. Flurries and snow squalls on Thursday with highs in the
30's. Flurries again on Friday with temperatures in the mid 10's. The
weekend looks like it is going to be nice. Partly cloudy skies with
temperatures in the upper 20's.
Daily Comments:
Looks like we've got some cold weather and snow heading our way just in
for the weekend. As soon as the cold weather hits, we're going to fire
the snow guns to ensure that the conditions remain good through April
"We are looking to make snow beginning tomorrow night through Saturday
morning. We are going to concentrate on the basin side, but we are going to
have 5 - 10 guns on Cupp Run to get that through April 7."
"Getting out there and grooming is the key to the situation right now. Grooming
with temps in the low 30s tonight will resume at that time. There is plenty
of snow out there we just have to get to it. You might want to also mention
that we are moving the Terrain Park up to Spruce Glades. See this week's
Snow News for more info."
Wildcat also has enough bumps and glades to keep a double black diamond skier busy for a couple of days. There are even some extraordinary backcountry opportunities at Wildcat for telemarkers and cross-country skiers.
(Have fun, the day I was there, as much fun as I had on the trails on the front of the mtn, I envied the people I saw heading into the bush down the backside of Wildcat for a 7 mile run to the valley floor):
"Five inches as of 6 am 0 degrees and still snowing and we are making
snow at the Snowshoe area."
"Winter's not over at Snowshoe! We picked up 6" of snow last night and a little more is expected by the end of the day today. The snow guns are also fired up on the basin side and on the Western Territory."
BTW, I skied at Timberline with my two little boys (3 & 5) this year, and it was perfect for them. They have a short beginner lift, and the Salamander trail is long and not at all steep - my littlest guy loved it.
As for me, I'm heading to Timberline this weekend because I own a place there. Timberline is reporting 3-4 inches of new snow, and I suspect some lake effect will fall today. The resort's 12-36 inch base seems to be holding out despite the warm spells. This is Timberline's reward for laying down so much snow during the early part of the season before opening up terrain. I must admit it was frustrating for some to watch the snow pile up on Upper Almost Heaven for so long and not be able to ski it, but this weekend, we'll all be rewarded.
Canaan Valley has had some serious problems with water shortages this year and that is probably why they are offering the deep discounts. Unless there is ample natural snow, Timberline always has more terrain open and better conditions than Canaan. That's simply a function of better snowmaking and more water. Hopefully, Canaan will begin to rectify its water problems this summer!!!