Alert: Message Forum to be upgraded soon
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Scott - DCSki Editor
July 7, 2004
Member since 10/10/1999 🔗
1,251 posts
Hi folks,

Just a head's up that the DCSki Message Forum will once again be upgraded in the very near future. You may experience some intermittent problems during the upgrade. Hopefully, no posts or user accounts will be lost.

This upgrade is one more step on the path to a brand new DCSki, which will be launched in late August. Once complete, the new Message Forum will offer additional features and better integration throughout the site.


- Scott
Scott - DCSki Editor
July 8, 2004
Member since 10/10/1999 🔗
1,251 posts
The upgrade is complete. Things should look a bit different now. The "recent posts" listing on the front DCSki page isn't working perfectly yet -- I'll try to make that work better soon.

If you notice any problems, please let me know.


- Scott
johnfmh - DCSki Columnist
July 12, 2004
Member since 07/18/2001 🔗
1,992 posts
At first I did not like this new forum software but now that I am getting used to it, it is kind of cool.
July 12, 2004
Member since 11/9/2001 🔗
221 posts
I like it too. If only I could understand movable type, my site would look neat!

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