John Belushi Rates Timberline Tree Skiing
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January 10, 2010
Member since 01/6/2000 🔗
3,558 posts
"Holy Shith. Holy Shith. Hoooooly Shiiiiiiiith!"

Best base I've ever skied at T-Line. Conditions (and some of the terrain) are Vermont worthy. After five days of tree skiing (last Sat, this Thur-Sun), bases have barely a blemish and edges need a slight debur. And that is after skiing the occasional(?) aggressive line through brush and small trees. The light rain near Xmas and NYE has created a bomber base over the generous early season snowfall. As Tucker has posted, four feet of light fluffy pow has fallen since the last rain. cool

Friday and Saturday morning were off the hook. 6" of dusty light fluff each day (and if you hit a tree shot that had not been skied before, ...) Was able to do a lot a things this past weekend that I take for granted when tree skiing in Utah. Hit steep narrow slots between trees and brush. Ski at speed. Switch to the powder patch to the side of the one you're skiing without stopping or slowing down.

With peer pressure from SCWVA and his neighbor, was able to get some fresh tracks Sunday PM. Did some creative exploring near the blues. Bushwacked and found some treats in double black land. Had ~25 uninterrupted pow turns on my second to last run of the day on Sunday (nearly 4 PM); got a bit lucky finding that line.
January 11, 2010
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
2,067 posts
Soooo.... John. U R saying it skiied like Alta to the east? I'll be honest, there is even more untracked to the southern end of the resort. wink Hope to be in that later this week. I must say, this weekend was EPIC. If things come together later next weekend and Ullr is smiling, we may see more of the same.
Laurel Hill Crazie - DCSki Supporter 
January 11, 2010
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
2,041 posts
Wow, sweet stuff. Let's hope that base holds.
January 11, 2010
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
Originally Posted By: kwillg6
Soooo.... John. U R saying it skiied like Alta to the east?

Reminded me more of Solitude, but ya people fly to Utah to ski snow like we skied the last week. It was hard to believe we were in West Virginia!

In keeping with the Belushi theme, we saw a real animal house moment during our two hour clinic on The Salamander. A group of us were standing at the edge of the trail discussing the best way to demo a wedge turn or something of similar import sleep when we spot two "i've been skiing for four and a half hours now i'm ready for something harder look at my power wedge" skiers stop and scope out the Cross. Kwill says OMG look at that they'll kill themselves if they go in there crazy right before they duck, slash & crash through the rabbit hole. We moved our discussion to the cause and effect of spontanayeeous Christie and couple of minutes later we heard then saw the two pw's bushwacking their way back OUT.

Guess they agreed with your assessment Kim.
January 11, 2010
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
2,067 posts
Good observation Jimmy. I thought we would have carnage below the cross. TG they had enough sense to not do it. The pow was so deep they had to "swim" out. laugh On another note.... do you suppose those sno-boarders finally made it down sally? Mox and I fugured it may take 24 hrs for them at the speed they were going. wink
January 12, 2010
Member since 01/11/2010 🔗
3 posts
After skiing the mid-atlantic for 40 years I finally tried T-Line last Saturday. Boot to knee deep super light fluff on every run with out a single threat to take my ticket, clearly I must have been halucinating. Jay-like trees with UT-like powder in WV...alas, if it were only real, I would make the 7+ hour trip back. Sigh! kwillg6 - the 18th could be big
January 12, 2010
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
2,067 posts
Originally Posted By: SkiDre
After skiing the mid-atlantic for 40 years I finally tried T-Line last Saturday. Boot to knee deep super light fluff on every run with out a single threat to take my ticket, clearly I must have been halucinating. Jay-like trees with UT-like powder in WV...alas, if it were only real, I would make the 7+ hour trip back. Sigh! kwillg6 - the 18th could be big

I had to pinch myself last Saturday as well. many big grins, ear to ear smiles, and whoops and yee-haws in the trees (me included) Ya think we could have a repeat of the '96
"big monday" on the 18th?
January 12, 2010
Member since 02/10/2004 🔗
1,667 posts
I missed this weekend, but was there monday the 11th. I spent a good portion of the day looking for untracked in the trees. The best I could find was in the trees to skier's right near the bottom of Upper White Lightning - it was relatively untracked and not quite so tight with the trees. I spent some time in the trees near double diamond land, but did not find the 25+ turns JohnL was talking general I was amazed at how good the base was - even with the agressive lines thru brush and small trees, the bases of my skis were fine.

All in all a really good day, but I wish I could have been there over the weekend.
January 12, 2010
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
Originally Posted By: kwillg6
Good observation Jimmy. I thought we would have carnage below the cross. TG they had enough sense to not do it. The pow was so deep they had to "swim" out. laugh

I'm glad they got out OK but I'm glad they tried it, too. The only way to learn to ski in the trees is to go ski in the trees. They could have found some easier trees to start with but one of the things that makes Tline unique for a lift served ( grin chaga ) area in the mid-atlantic is it's OK to ski in there, really, it's OK.
January 12, 2010
Member since 01/11/2010 🔗
3 posts
Storm track is looking a bit southeast now, which may be a good thing since it looks like it might be rrr...uh rraaa...can't say it. Think snow!
The Colonel - DCSki Supporter 
January 12, 2010
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
3,110 posts
Sure you can say "it"...underdeveloped snow!
The Colonel smile
January 12, 2010
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
3,530 posts
I couldn't stand it anymore so I Told my Family/Friends that I was going to put off the get together up there for the 22nd & I was bolting up to the Valley to catch the Epicness!..I never made it to TL but I wish I had mosied over to catch a couple of you Yokels..never made it to TL because some guy sold us 2 all day 2 day lift tickets up at Canaan for the 47 dollars I had in my wallet...Spent my savings at the Golden Anchor Rest last nite chowing down on Stuffed Flounder, Oysters ect...!! (& more snow coming down :))
Everything was open at Canaan & it was a pleasure to fly down that Mountain & just veering right & left at will working my way down to the bottom. I havn't spent to much time in the Trees over the years but I couldn't help but to venture in them this trip. The only thing that bugs me about the trees is the vegitation that litters the you all take your good skiis in there?
It was hard to ski on that Bluebird Sunday because I could not take my eyes off the post card beauty on that mountain from every angle..& the incredible deep layer of Snow on everything..especially at the top (unbelievable!)That is one Gorgeous Ski mountain!!!...& it was Snowing when we left this morn..Long live the WV Alpps!
DCSki Sponsor: Canaan Valley Resort

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