Liberty Mountain, Pa., Dec 30, 2009 - Connie Lawn
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Connie Lawn - DCSki Columnist
December 30, 2009
Member since 04/19/2009 🔗
138 posts
What a way to end an old year, and begin a new one! The conditions were perfect and all 16 trails were open. The weather was in the 30's, and there was a light cloud cover, but nothing oppressive. Snow making was underway on some slopes, and there were actually a few piles of light, fluffy snow on the sides. I did not see any ice during 4 hours of skiing! The base was listed as 18 to 30 inches.
This time, I took a lesson, to try to rebuild my flagging confidence. Instructor Ray Drwig reminded me to ski with my toes, pressing with the big and little toe. It helped, but I am still breaking in stiff new boots. And, I still freeze when I hear a pack of people coming down behind me. How did I suddenly become so timid? I will keep at it - I love the sport and the atmosphere so much. It is so exhilarating to dance down the mountain. And, there are always so many interesting people to watch and talk to, especially the great variety from the Washington and Baltimore areas who flock to Liberty.
Liberty plans a great New Years eve, on the slopes and at McKees Tavern. Many lucky people are spending the holiday period in the Liberty Resort hotel, with some rooms over looking the slopes. The view is especially dramatic under the night lights on the glistening slopes, and the full moon. All 41 hotel rooms are booked this week.
Liberty, and the other local areas expect a banner season. It began with the bountiful December snowfall. It will continue because more people are now thinking twice before flying north or west.
The regular and the adaptive instructors also expect a busy season, and executives Eric Flynn and Anne Weimer will continue to make the resort run smoothly, and will throw in their clever special events. Thanks to all, the season will be truely liberating at Liberty! Happy New Year - Connie

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