12/30/09 skiing?
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DCSki Sponsor: Canaan Valley Resort
December 29, 2009
Member since 01/5/2006 🔗
507 posts
A group I was supposed to go skiing with this week has had to cancel.
I hate to waste a snow day taken from work, so I was wondering if anyone else wanted to go, or wanted to meet up for some runs somewhere.
My initial thought is to go somewhere up in the Laurels (7S/HV/Wisp/BK), since they just got more snow.
However, I could possibly have my mind changed. Late notice but worth a shot.
December 29, 2009
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
2,444 posts
Snowshoe is reporting 9" new over the past 2 days.
December 29, 2009
Member since 11/8/2009 🔗
181 posts
Hey GGNagy,

I've got tomorrow off and was thinking of going skiing. Was leaning towards going to Wisp, but I'm flexible as to where to go as well. (as long as I don't have to get up too early)
December 29, 2009
Member since 10/22/2004 🔗
318 posts
I think I'll be at Whitetail tomorrow, skiing with a friend and his three year old boy. I guess we'll mostly be hanging out at the base of the mountain, but maybe each get some free skiing in while the other watches the kid...

I'm the Telemarker with brown coat, black helmet, black pants, red and white K2 skis, and blue boots. Sounds like you guys will be further west, but if anyone goes Whitetail, and you see me, say hi!
December 29, 2009
Member since 01/5/2006 🔗
507 posts
I am thinking Wisp it is. Everything looks open today except for Bobcat bowl and those goofy natural snow greens down to chair 6. I was thinking of pulling out of The Martinsburg/Hagerstown area about 11:30AM for the Twilight ticket. too early? smile
December 29, 2009
Member since 11/8/2009 🔗
181 posts
11:30 around Hagerstown isn't too early for me. smile I'd be coming from Reston, so that puts me on the road a little before 10:00am.

I'll probably want to leave Wisp around 7 - 8pm due to the long drive home.

Let me know where you'd like to meet.

December 29, 2009
Member since 10/22/2004 🔗
318 posts
We decided it was too cold for the kid so he's staying home and we'll be kickin' 'tail from about 9 to 5 tomorrow.
December 29, 2009
Member since 01/5/2006 🔗
507 posts
Rod, See if you can set a new record for "how many turns" in the Tele class this season. smile
December 31, 2009
Member since 10/22/2004 🔗
318 posts
I can turn on a dime, but only have about two bucks in my legs, ie. about twenty turns at a time. Haha

Some small fun moguls with bare spots on Exhibition, skier's right! Lots of fresh man-made everywhere else, snow making in operation all day on most trails. We ended getting four hour passes, skied non-stop 9 to 1:30. Great day. My legs are really sore.

How was Wisp?
December 31, 2009
Member since 04/11/2003 🔗
1,326 posts

You gonna be up there tomorrow or Sat.?
December 31, 2009
Member since 10/22/2004 🔗
318 posts
Saturday maybe if I can get a ride.
December 31, 2009
Member since 11/17/2008 🔗
383 posts
GGnagy, year end is bad for me--tax lawyer. Otheriwise I would have been in. We'll hook up in the New Year for a Fri. night or something. Neighbor. Top of the mountain should be frosty tonight.
January 2, 2010
Member since 01/5/2006 🔗
507 posts
MephitBlue and I had a great time at Wisp. They had been very busy, so center of trails were a bit scraped and icy, but lots of soft fluffy stuff on the sides. When we got there, we went straight to the east section to try and get out of the crowds, and also because neither of us had ever skied that section previously. After skiing over there for a while, we switched up to North Camp. By the time we had skied everything off chair 7, we were ready to head back to the lodge for food.
Light was fading fast after that. One Mistake we made was deciding during a ride up chair 3 to try deer run. Once we got past fox way, it became impossible to see what the heck you were skiing on. would have been a fun goat path trail otherwise. We skied Squirrel cage and the face with various routes to the top of them for a while. Face had whales made recently, so the snow was VERY sticky. From there we moved to chair one for a run down boulder, as Devils Glade/Devils drop appeared to be too sketchy, snow wise, to ski. After that we ended up back on Main Street under the lights, enjoying the fact that there were so few people in the area, but also lamenting that Odin's Chute and Eye Opener required 2 lift rides to ski 1 run. The night ended with one last run down 'Cage about 7pm. A good time was had by all.

One thing I noted, and it might be due to the type of skiers/riders, or maybe WHERE on the mountain we skied, but aside from crowding at the top Chair 7 next to the patrol/ first aid station, there was very little congregating/sitting in the middle of the trail by boarders or skiers. Quite enjoyable.
January 4, 2010
Member since 10/22/2004 🔗
318 posts
Originally Posted By: GGNagy
Rod, See if you can set a new record for "how many turns" in the Tele class this season. smile

I managed 50 Telemark turns, very slow, pivoty, flat ski, easy turns, but still hurt, a lot after fifty of them, so I had to change it up, fifty parallel turns, ouch, they hurt too, forty stem step Telemarks, maintaining glide, no stopping, then finally at the bottom of the run, ten rapid Telemark lead changes with edge change and slight direction change, ie. "turns", in the last thirty feet to show off and to get me to an even 150 in 750ft of vert. smile

Every turn was a cheater compared to what Comprex was doing, he was trying to carve his turns, really skiing for real and not doing the slow dog noodle, pivots, stems, rushin' dance etc. I used (every thing but hop turns) to get 150.

I forgot to ask him how many turns he got!?
DCSki Sponsor: Canaan Valley Resort

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