BEST DEAL this week?
December 24, 2009
So who do you think has the best deal this Holiday week? Now granted based on the past weeks dumps this is one of the rare times I am willing to pay full price. But I am always looking for a deal.
So what do you think is the best deal out there?
Night skiing at Liberty?
All day at the Shoe? or T-line?
Quick trip to Wintergreen?
Is there still a ski the valley pass?
Just looking for who you think offers the best value this week?
For newbies, little ones, and others that don't need a bunch of black diamonds Bryce Mtn, VA would be good this week. Lower prices and crowds.
I hope the mtns get ice rather than rain on 25/26th, but after should be good anyway as long as precip isn't an all out deluge.