X-C Ski Question
December 29, 2009
My old Karhus are shot. I am looking at the XCD series---either the Guides or the 10th Mountains. What I am looking for is something that will go from the backyard, to WG, to a couple of green and blue runs at a local resort when I am bored or stuck on the easier terrain with friends or family. I would want these to be BC skis first and alpine second. The Guides look a little wider and the 10th look a little more traditional. Anyone have any thoughts on these skis or other suggestions?
Thanks as always for the sage advice.
10th mountains are the best all purpose ski there is. I own a pair and love em. Guides are more of a powder xcd ski i think. 10th mountains do have some side cut so you will be fine at the resort also. Pair them with some Garmont Excursion boots and you will have the killer all-purpose setup! make sure to call WG and order a pair or perhaps buy some of last years demos.
Thanks for the sage advice, this is what I expected just wanted to confirm.
On the other hand, it may very well be a question of personal preference and style. I own the Guides, have skied them in little powder, but also in the groumed at TLine & Canaan.
I find them responsive, light, yes wide but fun, and climbing like a charm.
Highly versatile - even on icy conditions.
Too late, wife already pulled the trigger on the 10th Mountains for my B-day. But your picture of the Guides had me drooling--like looking at a beer ad with a frosted mug and an over flowing head ready for consumption. Nice shots.

Thanks for the positive.
I am sure that you will like your 10th mountain... many friends have commented on how versatile that ski is as well.
Happy BD!!!
Get some Guides any way, they rock.