I finally got the pic uploaded to Photobucket, so I figured I'd put this up, even if it's late (and even if I'm about the only person here who seems to care about grass skiing!).
We left around 9:15 to head from Leesburg to Bryce - it's about an hour and a half-ish, but we stopped for breakfast at Sonic in Winchester. I wish we had one closer, but it's probably just as well that we don't...
Got to Bryce around 11. On the drive in, everything was nice and green, even though they've been about as dry as we have. It was cool, too, probably in the low 80's.

I thought to take a picture of the ski itself, since I'm always explaining to people that it's "like a tank tread on a platform":

You can see, the bindings are pretty simple, but they work well.
Jana was excited and raring to go!

(We rented helmets and pads... her name's not really Kevin)
There's something weird about the view from a ski lift with grass and rocks underneath you instead of snow:

That day, there were a TON of people taking the "scenic chair ride," which meant that the lift was stopping a LOT for them to load/unload. Of course, with a view like this, it's easy to understand why they were doing it!

Here are a few "action" shots (and I use the term rather loosely):

The obligatory "here's us together at the top" picture. Note that I'm wearing kneepads - she's not. I fall more than she does.