Test to determine your snowrider profile
A. 2 Ski the small hills!
B. 2 In the mid-atlantic, they will perform the same anyways after 10 days.
C. 2 Been there, did that, have never talked to the woman again.
D. 1 Oh come on.. 12" a day means everything should be open. Too rare to pass up!
E. 1 Africian or European, I mean Upper or lower Angel Drop? Nevermind, 7S Buffet rocks, and with the Gunnar 6, you can probably get in just as many vertical ft.
F 1 5 extra hours sitting to spend extra hours sitting and standing?
G 2 *humming the old Lowenbrau jingle*
H 2 are anti-inflammitories included in the "free" part?
I 1 are you kidding? I even dreamed of slopeside lodging when I WAS 19
J 2 even though "vagarities of whatever state of operation" might mean closed more years than open.
16? that high? wow.