Bryce is about to re-open their grass skiing for the season (it starts Tuesday). Tues/Thurs are pretty much out for me, but Sundays work. So, I'm just wondering how many people might be interested in a loosely organized GTG to head to Bryce.
So, as a first round attempt, I just thought I'd ask the simple question, "who would be interested in going grass skiing on some Sunday between now and the end of August?"
Depending on the response, we'll figure out how to proceed. If it's just one or two people, we'll coordinate through back channels. If it's 4-5-10-whatever, we'll do it here...
I've got a few Sundays that are booked up due to travel plans, etc, but I've got more free than busy at this point...
Who's in?
PS - if you've got not idea what I'm talking about, you can check here ( for a basic overview. It's a good time, even if it does sound a little weird...