I loved the Disney cartoon rendition of this classic. I reported already on yesterday at Alta. The new storm was supposed to do it's major dumpage tonight. It must have arrived early. I got off the first bus this morning to find that the usually groomed avenue to the doors at the Albion base was 2 feet deep in new snow with drifts much deeper. The road up Little Cottonwood Canyon was scheduled for closure for Avalanche control from 10 - 2. I got in line for the lift, about 10th in line, and the lifts were on hold until patrol gave the OK. As it opened at 9:40 the liftee said; "Welcome to the Alta Club folks, it's all yours today." Only 3 lifts would run, Sunnyside, Collins, Wildcat. The latter 2 are quite prone to whiteout at the top and I was alone so I stayed at Sunnyside. I just about wet my pants as I rode up and looked at a totally untracked Vail Ridge. Of course I jumped on it. The powder apron began to creep up my body, shin deep, knee deep, thigh deep - -
STOP. This on a rollover somewhere around 35 degrees in pitch, normally that is, in the absence of drifts. 2 guys came after me with the same result. To get out we had to leapfrog one another. Follow in the lead guy's tracks and when you are about to run into him swing to the side and let momentum push out another 20 feet of track; take turns and repeat. It was wild. Snow and wind pounded. I had a great time anyway, but really, be careful what you wish for.