What a day...what a weekend!! Beautiful weather, great snow coverage...fantastic corn snow that softened even more as the day progressed. REAL HERO SNOW THAT HELD AN EDGE TO PERFECTION...I even skied the bump trail, The Drop. You know, bumps are a whole lot easier to ski when the snow is soft vs ice such as on Extrovert at Blue Know!
Even more DCSkiers made it to Timberline and Snowy Luau today. Laurel Hill Crazy was there with his lovely wife and family, comprex was there with his lady, all in all about 12 DCSkiers hit the slopes together. A lot of fun, my best day of skiing this season!!!!
I'll post more pictures and video of the DCSki posse. For those at Snowy Luau for the first time, lots of comments about the job Timberline did over the weekend, especially the torchlight parade and the fireworks, the bonfire, the drumming, all the contests - some real competition and others just plain fun or funny.
Had a ball!!!!!!!!!!!!
JimK got it right: "the best spring ski party he has ever attended in the mid-Atlantic".
More later,
The Colonel