DC Ski /Epic Ski Trip to Blue Knob
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March 4, 2009
Member since 03/5/2008 🔗
44 posts
1. Just read the trip report. D*mn! -- I wish I coulda gone too.

2. Could someone identify who everyone is (or, at least, their DCSki name) in the first picture?
March 4, 2009
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
2,444 posts
I'll try my best

L to R
Jim (jgiddyup from Epic), Forget his name, Vince (JimK's son), JohnL, Laurel Hill Crazie (Rob), Jimmmy (Behind), Pierre (Epic), Greg (maybe?? from Epic), David (me), Bumpfreaq (Epic), Forget his name (Carl maybe?? An Epic dude), and JimK (House Dad).
JimK - DCSki Columnist
March 4, 2009
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
3,013 posts
Good try David. David, BTW, is one of at least four past or present instructors in photo above. And there were several more not in picture, and some ski shop employees. Super knowledgeable and very fun group to rub shoulders and ski with for two plus days. Had some nice group meals in our slopeside place too.

1st pic: jgiddyup from epic, ski3po from epic, son of JimK, JohnL, Laurel Hill Crazie, jimmy, Pierre from epic, epl from epic, David, bumpfreaq from epic, garyskr from epic, JimK
2nd pic: this is a different day, with about 50% different bunch. JohnL and jimmy near front, RodSmith and BushwackerinPA near end.
Not pictured, but other DCSki members there: GGNagy, mdskier, The COL. Who belonged to what site started to blur. There were about 25 different people that skied with us at various times.

More pics/info on epic: http://www.epicski.com/forum/thread/81414/ice-rocks-and-steeps-oh-my-a-blue-knob-tr/0
March 4, 2009
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
2,444 posts
Gary, not Carl!! I knew that wasn't right. He was a pretty cool guy.
March 4, 2009
Member since 10/22/2004 🔗
318 posts
Gary from Kentucky must get the prize for traveling furthest. I don't think he had ever skied east of the Rockies before. I don't blame him if he doesn't do it again. epl was the guy who wins the booby prize though. He was skiing ice with us in PA while his home mountain in western NY was getting buried. frown
March 5, 2009
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
2,444 posts
I was looking at this and thought it was pretty interesting. Didn't know of a better place to put it.

Check out the snow that is still around in places.

Blue Knob: Google Maps
Laurel Hill Crazie
March 6, 2009
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
2,053 posts
Jimski, there's always next year for BK. How about the Snowy Luau at T-line this month?

Dave, good to meet and ski with you. Do you have Google Earth? It's a neat free program that will allow you to locate your favorite ski area then turn and tilt it, like you're looking at it from an adjacent ridge. Sort of like a 3D trail map.
DCSki Sponsor: Canaan Valley Resort

Ski and Tell

Snowcat got your tongue?

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